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"There are still large traces of a sedative in her blood. It seems like she was in a coma for a long time," The doctor told Alex with a confused yet sad frown.

"And the pregnancy? What happened to it?" Alex asked, hoping it would be anything but what he thought. It would be too much for Min-Jung to go through all of this and then lose her baby. None of these would be fair if she lost her baby.

"There's a mark on her abdomen that indicates she underwent a cesarean section," The doctor said while looking at Alex curiously, "Do you know anything about that?" He asked Alex.

Oh, God! No, please! Oh God! Alex thought as he felt his knees go weak and tears gathered in his eyes, "I wouldn't be here with her if I knew anything about it. What about her memory? Is she going to regain it?" Alex asked with a worried frown, trying hard to be strong for her sake and his too.