It's A Girl.

A few Months Later.

They were all gathered at Chairman Jiang's house to celebrate his birthday. While the men were busy catching up on each other's lives, the ladies were gathered around Selena and Little Ivy, who, even though she wasn't up to ten months old yet, was already learning how to walk.

"But she walked a while ago," Selena assured them as she tried urging Ivy to walk, "Show them, Ivy!" She cheered for Ivy, who cackled happily as she looked at Selena. Both kids had formed a special kind of sister bond in the few months since Selena moved down to South Korea with her father and Min-Jung.

"Just let her be. She will walk when she is ready," Jin-A assured Selena with a kind smile and patted her hair.

"But she walked," Selena insisted with a disappointed frown. She had hurried in to call the ladies when she caught Ivy taking her first step.