Battle of the Frost Demons

Getting a close look at what was happening, I spoke "Oh, sorry am I interrupting? Very well continue with the…well I was going to say fight, but that'd be an insult to the word"

The green man spoke to the two child and other 'child' behind him "You two go back to the ship, I can't hold off Frieza. There's no way in hell that I could handle two of these monsters"

I looked towards the two who instantly took off once told to do so, contemplating whether or not I should just kill them and get it over with. I shook my head whilst think they are not worth it. I look towards the now named Frieza and begin to speak "Frieza, I believe the green man called you. Power up to maximum, I wish to test my abilities in my base form"

"W-WHAT, YOU DARE COMMAND ME LORD FRIEZA" Frieza yelled towards me. I simply sighed before restating my command. Frieza quickly charged a [Death Ball] and throwing it towards me.

"Your not very bright are you" I spoke, the disappointment in my voice palpable. I simply raised my hand towards the [Death Ball] and fired a [Ki Wave]. The [Ki Wave] sent the ball back towards Frieza who simple stared in shock.

In a tone that would make even a Destroyer shiver I simply stated "Transform."

Frieza powers up to 100% whilst me and the green man simply watch. I turn towards the green man confused as to why he was still there. I watched him for a moment before turning back to the powering up Frieza.

Seeing Frieza at {Full Power} I flew towards him throwing a punch only for Frieza to catch it with a smirk plastered on his face. I simply returned the smirk before producing a [Ki Blade] on my hand, piercing Frieza's hand. Frieza yelled out in pain only for me to grab his neck with my tail and toss him to the ground with a frown this time.

'Hmm….To much power, Lets try 15%' I thought, wanting a fight that could help with my actual combat ability, not the raw power.

Quickly powering down to 15%, this brought Nox's Battle Power to 146.25 Million. Nox sensed that he still had 26.25 Million more BP than Frieza frowned a bit more. Lowering his power a bit more to get an even 120 Million BP, which just so happened to be Frieza's BP. He lowered himself towards Frieza and threw a punch his way. Frieza stopped this punch with a punch of his own. Both combatants continued to do this motion causing shockwaves of air pressure to form craters around the area that they were.

Nox withdrew a bit, and began charging up a supercharged [Ki Wave] whilst Frieza made another [Death Ball]. Both combatants threw their attacks at one another, both pushing for their attack to push the others back into them. Putting more effort into the attack Nox knocked the [Death Ball] back towards Frieza. Sadly, this did not happen fast enough to hit Frieza with his own [Death Ball]. Deciding to try something he didn't think he would end up doing, he made a [Ki Spear] and began to twirl it around before giving Frieza a 'Come here' gesture. Frieza came towards Nox fist aimed towards his head. Nox smirked at this and flew quickly towards Frieza, arriving quickly and moving in a burst of speed that shocked even Frieza, he stabbed his [Ki Spear] into Frieza's heart and forced the [Ki Spear] to explode, killing Frieza in the process.