New Features

(A/N: The rest of the story will hopefully be told from a third person point of view, Sorry for being a bit indecisive with it, the only first person parts will be when we get to see Nox's thoughts or while he is speaking to the system.

One more thing is that inside of the [] I will be using {} as the brackets around skills and such.)

[Due to Host beating a Boss Level enemy, Host has gained the [Skills] tab inside of the System]

'Okay well I forgot about the voice in my head....Anyways, What are you?'

[I am your System, Host]

'Yeah okay I get that, but why do I have you'

[Unable to answer your question, Host]

'Lets check out this new tab in the system first.....Skills'


Aquired Skills: {Ki Wave}, {Ki Blade},{Ki Spear},{Ki Sense}

Buyable Skills: {Death Ball}]

'That's nice I suppose.....System, do I have a form of currency? I mean like, I'd assume so as I'm able to buy things'

[Host is correct, You currently have 11,000 System Points. This is because I gave you 1,00 System Points for awakening, then you earned 10,000 more System Points when you killed Frieza]

'Okay then, how much does the {Death Ball} Cost?'

[The skill {Death Ball} costs 8,000 System Points, Host]

'I want to buy that, but I also don't want to waste the System Points. I suppose I'll hold off for now'

[Aquiring skill {Death Ball} for 8,000 System Points}

'Wait what, I didn't want to buy that'

[Host said "I want to buy that" indicating that host wants to purchase the {Death Ball} skill]

'...God dammit....System'

Sighing in dissapointment, Nox went to run after the green man who ran away. He wanted to do this because he wanted to know why the other Frost Demon wanted to conquer this planet. He knew there must be something of value besides millions of blue trees and weak green men.

Nox sent out his [Ki Sense] and found out where the green man and other two people were. Nox flew off into that direction ready to tort-I mean interrogate the information of why Frieza wanted this planet out of them.

Quickly flying towards the green man and his companions, he noticed one more power level there. He knew this man was not very strong compared to him or even Frieza, but it was still another potential vic-I mean informant for him to get information from.

Landing next to the group whilst hiding his Ki, Nox spoke out " Well hello there...Green Man, Short Man, Boy, and the other one who I know name Simpleton."

Looking over to the Frost Demon in shock that there was another one, Simpleton spoke out"Hi, you wouldn't happen to be working with Frieza would you?"

"Me? Work with that weakling? Proposterous, I already killed him. I only came over here as I was curious as a Frost Demon would spend so much effort to collect a single planet when he could have left and conquered tens in the time he spent here."

"I don't know maybe he just liked the blue trees" The green man spoke. Letting out a little chuckle, the air suddenly turned ominous as Nox spoke once more." If you don't tell me what I want I will violently end your life in the most painful way I can possibly thing of....and trust me, I already have hundreds."

Realization hit Nox suddenly. "Oh, where are my manners? I'm sorry I suppose introductions are in order. Well I suppose I'll go first, My name is Nox....And depending on how this conversation goes, we could both gain something. Or, you could lose everything." He spoke the last sentence with an ominous glow to his eyes.