A One Sided 'Spar'

The four people stared at Nox with a mixture of fear, panic, and one with excitement, oddly enough. The spikey haired man introduced himself first. " Hi, My name is Goku, I'm a Saiyan raised on Earth!" The green man looked at the now named Goku with a look that said 'ARE YOU CRAZY, WHY TELL HIM WHERE WE LIVE.' Goku continued with the introductions. " This is Piccolo, he is a Namekian from Earth just like me." Goku pointed to the boy this time. " That's my son Gohan and my best friend Krillin next to him."

Nox began to speak." Okay, now that introductions are concluded. Let's move to the main topic. Why would that other Frost Demon want to conquer this planet so badly?"

"Goku! Don't tell this man what he wants to know!"

Nox turned to the man who just spoke, Piccolo. " Piccolo, I can tell you that my threats were certainly not baseless." He said this whilst shooting a small [Ki Wave] through his left knee.

"Piccolo!" The young boy spoke.

"Now then, Why don't you give me more answers before I aim for the vitals."

"Wait, before you do that. Can we have a spar"

Nox turned to the spikey haired man that just spoke. " Why in Grand Kai's name would I ever do that. You could not even stand against Frieza. How could you ever hope in your wildest dreams to match me?"

"Well, I don't think I could win. I just want to see how far I can push you. Maybe I could even learn a thing or two in our spar"

"I suppose I could humor you for a bit. It would help me to gain more control over my body. After all I've only been awake for about a week since my awakening."

Standing in a position that looked like it belonged anywhere besideds a spar, Nox looked towards Goku and said " Come at me when you can, but note, I don't plan on lowering my power more than it is. I'm only at 15% right now and I'd rather not have to lower it further. I hope you don't mind me staying at 146.25 Million Battle Power, Especially with your 3 Million power level."

After that statement all of the Z fighters eyes widened in shock. They had never met someone so strong before. They hadn't even heard of someone that powerful before. Goku, after recovering from his shock, got into a battle stance before activating his {Kaio-Ken x3} transformation.

(A/N: Out of the system interface, {} will be used to show tranformations)

"Hmmm, a transformation skill. That is quite a nice skill, but do you think a 9 million power level could even tempt me more than moving my hand?"

"I don't, but I have to try. Especially if your threatening my friends."

"To be fair, I only gave them an ultimatum, nothing bad would happen if they chose to give me the information I want."

Goku, getting into a battle stance, spoke once more. "Your probably right, but that doesn't change that you threatended them." After he finished speaking he charged towards Nox.

Goku arriving quickly sent a punch towards Nox, only for Nox to catch it with his hand. Nox then threw Goku into the ground via his hand, sending spiderwebs of cracks into the ground as he landed. Sighing slightly as he hoped for him to be a tiny bit stronger, he waited for his next attack.

Goku flew towards Nox throwing a flurry of attacks towards him. Nox dodged all of his attacked whilst humming a little tune to himself. The Z fighters left on the ground could only watch as this new character wasn't having an problems facing against Goku in his {Kaio-Ken x3}.

"Oh, I understand. I figured out the flaw in this form. I puts immense strain on your body. Well no matter, strain or not you wouldn't be a challenge currently."

Goku, ignoring his comments sent his transformation to {Kaio-Ken x10}, skyrocketing his power to 30 Million. Nox, whilst a little surprised only had to speed up a bit, to continue dodging.

"Hmmm, I have an idea. Maybe this can make you give me a better challenge. For every minute you fail to hit me, I'll shoot your friends. I'll start by killing the Namekian, then your son, after that I'll end it off with your best friend."

Goku with widened eyes, began putting more and more effort in each attack. Still unable to hit Nox, a minute had passed. Nox shot a very thin [Ki Wave] to the chest of the Namekian, which killed him.

Goku pissed off yelled, " NOW I'M MAD, {KAIO-KEN x20}"

"To be fair, I told you the arragement, you failed, so I lived up to my end."

Nox, still able to dodge all the attacks by a {Kaio-Ken x20} Goku, just continued dodging, but Nox stopped his humming to start paying a bit more attention. Nox, with his added attention noticed the immense strain on his body in this form. ' If he continues to do this, or powers up the transformation more, he could end up killing himself.' Nox's obersavation was also noticed by the remaining two Z fighters. Worry and fear etched into their eyes as they watched Nox dodge every attack thrown his way.

Nox decided to make a deal with Goku as he felt somewhat bad for how pitiful it was. " Goku, I have a deal for you as this is just so awful. I want you to hit me as hard as you possibly can. If you can damage me, I won't kill your son. I will be allowed to use a [Ki Wave] of my own to block it, but I will only feed it with Ki via one finger. This should give you sufficient chance whilst also giving it enough risk factor, don't you think?"

Goku, taking this opprotunity to keep his son alive, flew into the sky and started charging his most powerful [Kaio-Ken Kamehameha Wave x20] to blast at Nox. Seeing this Nox chucked a bit waiting for the attack.