The First Few Minutes

Entering the arena, Nox took a look at all the other Universes. He looked around for a moment before locking eyes with a stereo-typical alien. Nox could clearly sense this man was the strongest in the entire Tournament. He began walking towards said alien. Nox was happy to find someone who was strong, yet he was also sad that this was the strongest the Universes could produce. He continued his stride towards the alien.

Standing 10 meters away from the alien, Nox spoke.

"Your power is great. Sadly it's leagues below mine. I must say, I'm both happy I get to fight the strongest person in the entire tournament, yet I'm also sad its someone as weak as you. I will do you one simple courtesy as I feel like you deserve it, What is your name?"


"Very well Jiren, I'm Nox. Now, let us battle"

Nox began calmly walking towards Jiren before stopping to think for a moment and then continuing. Nox used this moment to decided if he wanted to use his weapon or not. He decided he did and summoned the [Sickle of Sorrow]. Jiren looked towards the scythe with curiosity, yet he quickly put his guard up. I stopped walking towards him once I was 5 meters away from him. I simply sent out a single slash from the [Sickle of Sorrow], cutting threw space time, giving a massive cut on Jiren's right arm. Jiren winced in pain and realized he would have to go all out right away to fight against Nox.

He powered up all the way impressing everyone in the tournament. All but Nox and Beerus. Nox simply sighed before turning {Golden}. What shocked everyone about this, especially Beerus and Whis, was that in his {Golden} form he was already equal to Beerus.

Nox took a quick step forward, and suddenly Universes 1-5 were all knocked off the arena aswell as Jiren had hundreds of small cuts from the scythe all over his body.

Soon all the Universes realized the trouble they were in if a person like Nox was on the enemy team. He took another step, this time one thousand cuts appeared over Jiren, Universe 8 was erased aswell. Nox took another step and this time Jiren only got four cuts, sadly this time the cuts ended up disabling both of his arms and one of his legs. Nox frowned at this.

"Oh? I'm getting rusty if I didn't disable all of your limbs."

Nox finished walking towards Jiren and picked him up by his one working leg and slowly made his way towards the edge of the platform. He reached the edge of the arena and before dropping Jiren off, he simply chuckled and said,

"Like a bitch"

He swiftly dropped Jiren off the edge, him getting teleported back to his Universes stand. He felt that the rest of Universe 11 was closing in on him, hoping to eliminate him by knockoff easily. Nox simply smiled and let them attempt. All of Universe 11 attacked him at the same time, trying to knock him off. They were shocked to see that when the dust settled, Nox was standing their, unharmed and unmoved.

Nox turned around and suddenly they all found themselves falling off the platform while looking up at a chuckling Nox. He turned around and looked at the rest of the arena. He saw Goku fighting a saiyan from Universe 6 and stopped caring after seeing that. He simply walked over to the middle of the arena and layed down.

Nox was simply tired of going to the strong fighters, and he knew no one could challenge him in this tournament anymore so he simply let people come towards him. If they wanted to get eliminated, that was their choice.