A 48 Minute Tournament Finished in 10 Minutes

Everyone not engaged in a fight, began to co-ordiante on how to knock out Nox. They had decided on a frontal assult hoping that using all their power would be-able to knock him out so they could drag him out.

They ran towards Nox to make their push. They all charged up their strongest attack and shot it towards Nox. The entire dimension was silent as they all waited to see the outcome of the attack. They were shocked to see someone standing as the dust settled. They saw he had skin that looked as if it was made of the cosmos itself. His gemstones looked like they were exploding supernovas, and the pressure he released made them all struggle to stand. Even some of the weaker Gods of Destruction were struggling to sit straight. Nox simply let out a chuckle and said,

"Bitch Move"

Suddenly every who attacked him were falling off the side of the platform. The next thing they knew, they were sitting with their respective universes. Nox sighed slightly before he began to move. The entire dimension shook with each step. The two Zenos were in awe at seeing such power. Nox resummoned the [Sickle of Sorrow] and with one sweep everyone, all the participants, even his own team, aswell as all the people in the stands, had a massive cut upon their chest.

"Sorry everyone, It's hard to just hit the people in the arena with how little power I'm forced to use."

Chuckling at what he said, he teleported around knocking ever last contestant out of the arena that wasn't Universe 7.

The Grand Priest announced the victor being Universe 7 while erasing every other universe. Nox, being the one who contributed the most got the wish. He simply left it to the other participants as the only reason he actually came was to make sure he wasn't erased. He simply walked towards Whis and asked if he could go back into the staff, Whis simply nodding while getting him inside. Everything went into an uproar as Nox went into the staff. He just quietly meditated absorbing the God Ki inside of the staff.

(Btw the same wish as in canon was made)