TWW 20

"No matter how we flip the world, it doesn't change the fact that he is the father of our son. Besides, if not for his cowardly actions, I won't be able to meet the most adorable man on earth," she explained while putting on her clothes. Luke stared at her with confusion on his sweaty handsome face.

"Did I marry a saint?" he blurted.

"Funny," she said uninterestedly.

He glared at her. She smiled.

"I know that you just want to protect me. But, I have to face him once and for all," she said warmly trying to convince Luke. He exhaled harshly before throwing his arms around her.

"I can't forgive myself if harm comes to you!"

"I know."

Days passed and their love seemed stronger than ever.

One evening, Arabella and Luke were enjoying their glasses of wine under a starry sky when her phone rang--- unregistered number. She hesitantly answered the call.


No answer.



She was about to press the end button when a burst of manic laughter was heard. She instantly pulled the phone away from her ears.

"Babe~ what's wrong?" Luke asked worriedly. She shook her head.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

"Enjoy while you can coz tomorrow will be the beginning of your doom!" the voice said.

Beep. End call.

"Who was that?" Luke asked.

"No one. Maybe a prank," she said making her voice as casual as she can. Luke shrugged.

In her mind, questions began to flood as what the caller meant.

The answer to her million-dollar question greeted her the following morning.

News about her fake marriage made headlines.


These were some of the headlines in the morning newspapers along with the leaked copy of their contract.

"I don't care! Just find out who the fuck is the mole in my company!" she heard Luke talking to his attorney. He was really furious about this whole situation.

Then, Regina appeared in various talk shows crying while talking about how hurt she was.

'She's a damn good actress! What a piece of shit!' Arabella thought after watching one of her interviews where Regina put on an excellent show.

Sympathy towards Regina flooded on the succeeding days while bashing and bullying tormented Arabella both online and offline. She even stopped going to public places as most of Regina's fans harassed her.

Luke went furious at how fast the media switched their adoration to his wife to mockery.

"Babe~ you can go on a vacation while I handle this shit!" Luke said as they eat their breakfast. Arabella kept quiet for a while.

"No! We are in this together. I will never give Regina the feeling of satisfaction that she craves. Never!" she said sounding so determined.

Luke smiled. He knew she would say that.

"You never changed," he uttered while shaking his head. Arabella just smiled at his reaction.

"Helena will come later for my kickboxing session. Wanna join?" Arabella asked.

"As much as I want, but I have an important meeting to attend to," Luke replied. "We can have our own session later," he teased.

Since their fake marriage was unveiled to the public, Arabella received threats from Regina's fans, so Helena decided to teach her martial arts such as kickboxing and gun shooting as she won't be around to protect her 24/ 7. It was difficult at first but her determination paid off.

Not long after, Helena came and they started their routine.

After an hour of kicking and boxing, they sat down on the garden table to cool down.

"I'm gonna go shopping for Saraknib's milk and some necessities later," Arabella said.

"Alone? You're kidding!" Helena replied. "You know how dangerous it is for you out there."

"I know. But, I can't be stuck here forever~ I have to keep living for myself and Luke, especially my son. I just can't watch Regina triumph in wrecking my life while doing nothing," Arabella stated.

Helena nodded.

Arabella wore a pair of black sweat pants with a matching hoodie, a bull cap, white rubber shoes, and dark sunglasses.

Nobody seemed to notice her as she pushed her cart around the store. Not until when she was about to pay her bills.

Of all people to stand behind her, it was her mortal foe.

"Well. Well. Well. Who do we have here? No matter how you try hiding, we can still smell your stench?" Regina said while smiling wickedly. Arabella ignored her and continued putting the items on the counter. Regina snapped when Arabella seemed not to care.

"Bitch!" Regina shouted catching the shoppers' attention. When people realized who she was, they gasped. The mall stopped for a moment.

"Look at me when I am talking to you!" Regina yelled. Her face turned red in anger as Arabella continued to ignore her.

"Thank you," Arabella said before picking her groceries up and started walking away. As much as possible, she doesn't want to engage herself in a pointless argument.

Regina lost it. She grabbed her hoodie and forcefully pulled it making her lose her balance.

She nearly kissed the floor if not her martial art skills.

"Stop. I don't wanna fight you," Arabella told her in a calm voice which infuriated Regina more.

"Hah! You don't wanna fight? You're joking!" she shouted.

"Hey, it's Adam's bitch!" a person yelled from the crowd. People began to gather around with their phones up.

Regina smiled devilishly at her.

"You are alone and nobody!" Regina mocked.

"I said. I don' t wanna fight you," Arabella said in a low but warning voice.

"Oooooooh! Scary!" Regina said sarcastically. Then, without a word or a warning, Regina slapped her hard--- so hard that Arabella fell on the cold floor. People excitedly took photos and videos of them like vultures feasting on carrions.

"That's for stealing my boyfriend! You dirty wench!" Regina yelled. She didn't care about the people flocking around them. She went to Arabella and pulled her hair.

"How dare you?!"

Arabella didn't flinch. She held her breath as Regina made her stand.

"I am warning you, Regina. Stop or I'll fight back," Arabella warned in a low voice.

Regina laughed manically at her statement before banging her head at the edge of the counter.