Chapter 11: He is a Proud Man

Katrina has to admit, Aaron looks fearful when he's angry.

It's as if his entire being turns wicked, and a black smoke swirls around him. His handsome face makes him look like Satan, terrifying people.

At that moment, Katrina is a bit frightened and doesn't dare look him directly in the eyes.

Aaron looks at her straight in the eyes, his thin lips lift, and he says, "Woman, have I been too kind to you?"

His deep voice is dangerous and terrible, like a devil from hell.

Katrina feels a moment of panic at his words.

Even if he hasn't been harsh with her and hasn't abused her, how could she forget his identity? From observing his men's deference to him, he must be remarkably strong.

As the saying goes, don't touch a tiger's ass. Just now, she accidentally hit him in the face with bread... She fears it's worse than touching his ass. Katrina is more frightened than ever.

Opposite her, Aaron continues in a low and calm voice, "All the 'guests' who came before were locked up in there! If you want to go in, I'll help you!"

Through the floor-to-ceiling window next to the dining table, Katrina saw an iron cage that can fit a person in the courtyard outside...

Does he want to put her in the cage?

Katrina's beautiful eyes fill with terror at the realization, and her hands tremble uncontrollably as she holds the spoon and fork.

How could he treat her that way?

He wants to put her in a cage. She'll be like an animal in captivity with no dignity that anyone can make fun of.

Katrina's never suffered this kind of humiliation. Her eyelashes are shaking slightly, and crystal tears nearly gush from her eyes.

She tells herself to be strong. She has to be strong…

But she can't control her emotions, and she can't help but sniff audibly.

It's clearly his fault. He doesn't understand that he's wrong and forces her to come here and suffer. Why was she wronged so much?

Aaron sees the fear in Katrina's eyes before she lowers her head silently. Her eyelashes are trembling, and she looks at the verge of tears.

He feels something tug at his heart.

Suddenly, he doesn't think it's a good idea to frighten a weak girl like this.

Her quivering eyelashes are like feathers teasing his heart, giving him a strong urge to take her in his arms in an instant.

When did his heart become so soft?

When did he begin to sympathize with a girl?

Aaron only said he was going to put her in an iron cage to scare her. He wouldn't really abuse a girl like that. If word got out, it would ruin him.

Aaron's never been an easy person to bow to. He just said it to frighten her.

Since she hit him on the face with her bread by mistake, he should be the angry one.

Even though he feels a bit sympathetic, Aaron keeps the angry expression off his face.

On the other hand, Katrina is suddenly afraid that she'll burst into tears weakly in front of him. She doesn't want him to look down on her, even if she's afraid of him.

Katrina puts down her utensils and stands up from her seat. "I'm full." she declares, then she decides to go back to her room.

Just as she takes a step, Aaron's deep voice calls behind her, "Come back."

Katrina freezes for a second and stops in her tracks. She doesn't dare make him angry in his territory. If he's really cruel enough to put her into the dog cage in the yard, she's afraid she'll never be able to recover from the trauma.

"Sit down and finish the food on your plate."

She was so absorbed in criticizing him, that she didn't eat anything.

Aaron heard from Randy that she only had a few bites of porridge all day yesterday. Is she going to starve herself to death here?

Katrina obediently complies and sits down. She lowers her head to pick at the food, even though she's upset and has no appetite.

It's obvious that she doesn't want to see him at all. She buries her head in the plate without even looking up at him.

Without saying anything, Aaron purses his lips and stands up from his seat.

As soon as he picks up his coat on the rack, Randy immediately hands him his briefcase. "Mr. Wilson, everything goes well with your work."

"Thanks." Aaron's voice comes from the other side of the living room. Then he exits the front door.

Outside, the car starts, and Aaron goes to work.

As Katrina lowers her head to eat, Randy sits down in the chair next to her.

Thinking he's in a hurry to clean up, Katrina says, "Randy, I'll finish quickly. You can do your work first. I'll bring these to the kitchen and clean them myself in a bit." She hurriedly stuffs bread into her mouth.

Even if Aaron is a jerk who's mean to her, Randy has always been polite. She's not hostile towards Randy and wouldn't take her anger with Aaron out on him.

At Katrina's words, Randy shakes his head. "Don't worry, Miss Miller. Slow down to avoid choking yourself."

Katrina slows down her pace.

"Miss Miller, Mr. Wilson was just joking. Don't take it to heart." Randy reassures.

"Actually, the cage outside belongs to his pet dog, Beta. Mr. Wilson only locks Beta in the cage when it makes a particularly serious offense and leaves it to reflect on its own. That cage is not for people.

"Although Mr. Wilson seems strict, he's a good man. Mr. Wilson was worried about you last night when he heard that you hadn't eaten much all day."

Randy inadvertently heard the conversation between Aaron and Katrina.

Others may not know much about Mr. Wilson, but having served him for more than a decade, Randy knows Mr. Wilson best.

In particular, the sight of Katrina's red eyes and her slumping back as she ate silently with her head down, caused people's love and compassion from the bottom of their heart.

On the one hand, Randy told her that much to reassure her worries and fears. On the other hand, he also hoped to ease her misunderstanding of Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson is a proud man. Even though Randy knows that Mr. Wilson's heart softened a little, he remains aloof in Katrina's presence.

Despite his worries about her health and appetite, he still seems indifferent.