Chapter 12: She’s Different

Mr. Wilson has never been close to women. But this morning, he came out of Katrina's room in such a good state of mind.

Randy doesn't know why Mr. Wilson is so fond of her.

For Mr. Wilson, she's different.

Only after a short day together, Randy already likes the pretty and lovely girl. He doesn't want her to worry about Mr. Wilson's threat, so he tries to console her.

Katrina doesn't agree with Randy, but she's very grateful to him. She looks up at him and says, "Thank you, Randy."

While she's isolated and helpless, she's grateful that she has an elder around her to guide her patiently.

After Randy's reassurance, she's not as upset as she was earlier. But to say that Aaron's a good guy and that he's worried about her?

She doesn't believe it!

After finishing the food on the plate, Katrina takes a look outside and asks, "Randy, can I go outside for a while?"

Aaron confined her in her room for a whole day yesterday, nearly making her go crazy.

Randy agrees without hesitation. "Of course."

Then he adds, "But Miss Miller mustn't be impulsive, lest Mr. Wilson gets angry."

Having settled here, Mr. Wilson will not let her go easily. If she wants to run away, she should dismiss the idea as soon as possible.

Besides, there are monitors and a large number of bodyguards all over the villa. It's impossible for her to escape. If she does something stupid on impulse and fails to escape, she'll make Mr. Wilson angry, and that's just asking for trouble.

Despite Randy's gentle warning, Katrina quickly gets his message.

"I understand, Randy."

Aaron's villa and the yard are huge.

Katrina goes out into the yard and basks in the morning sun. Stretching her arms and legs, she does a set of radio calisthenics she learned in the police academy for exercise.

Suddenly, she realizes how happy it makes her feel about going outside and being surrounded by nature, to be able to bask in the sun and breathe in the fresh air.

Katrina discreetly observes the surroundings around as she basks in the sunshine.

The entrance of the villa is strictly controlled by guards. Without Aaron's permission, she could never walk out the door. The walls are high, and there are monitors everywhere. And it's difficult to get out by climbing the wall.

Katrina suddenly feels a little desperate. Will he keep her here forever?

She's curious about what the thief stole from him. What's so important that she had to be kept here?

Randy can see through the French window in the living room that Katrina is lazily basking in the sunshine on a deck-chair outside. A smile unconsciously appears on his aging face.

Only Mr. Wilson, him, and some of his men live in the villa.

Mr. Wilson's drivers, cooks, gardeners, and even the servants who clean the house are all men. There are few girls in the villa.

Randy has to admit, after living and working together with a group of men for a long time, the appearance of a delicate girl brings a lot of color to the villa.

He suddenly realizes that it's time for Mr. Wilson's villa to welcome a hostess.

Time flies. When he first arrived, Mr. Wilson was only a teenager.

In a blink of an eye, Mr. Wilson has turned 28 years old and has become a handsome young man with a good career. At his age, it's time to fall in love, get married, and have children.

No one knows what kind of woman the future Mrs. Wilson will be.

Katrina eats lunch and dinner alone that day.

In the evening, she strolls around the yard with the pretense of digesting food.

Walking slowly and deliberately, she circles twice around the garden and gets closer and closer to the entrance to see how the gatekeepers will react.

Although Randy warned her not to be impulsive, she can't shake off the idea of getting out of here as soon as possible.

Maybe none of the bodyguards will notice her and let her slip out.

It is getting late now, and if she flees now, they won't be able to find her easily.

Katrina hopes she gets a chance to escape, but when she's ten meters away from the gate, the callous bodyguard scolds her. "You! Go back!"

Seeing their expressionless faces, Katrina reluctantly nods. "Okay."

After walking back the same way and being bitten by mosquitoes several times, Katrina grudgingly returns to the villa.

Aaron comes back after a while.

The limousine drives into the yard and stops at the villa.

Just as Aaron's long legs step out and he's about to exit the car, one of his men runs over and reports, "Mr. Wilson, the thief has been caught, and stolen items have been found. After the interrogation and torture, the thief has confirmed that Miss Miller isn't her accomplice."

"I see. You may go." Aaron replies and walks into the villa.

It's only after hearing a steady footfall that Katrina realizes Aaron might be back.

She feels bored from being imprisoned in a villa, so Randy showed her a particularly popular variety show to help her kill time and make her feel better.

Seeing that Aaron is back, Katrina rushes to her room before she can turn off the TV.

But before she gets far, Aaron spots her.


His deep and bossy voice calls from behind her.

Is he a devil to her?

Why doesn't she want to see him?

Why is she hiding from him so blatantly?

To get out of his sight quickly, she even wore her slippers the wrong way in her haste.

At the realization, he's a little upset and displeased.

Aaron's voice makes Katrina's back freeze for a while before she stops completely. She turns around reluctantly but keeps her eyes at her feet and refuses to look at him. From the gloom on her beautiful face, it's obvious she's unhappy to see him.

Is this narrow-minded woman still angry with him about this morning?

As the footsteps approach, Aaron reaches in front of Katrina.

He stretches out his long fingers and tilts her chin, forcing her to look up at him. With an unreadable smile on his handsome face, he says, "Where are you going?"