Chapter 13: Noble Man Revenge

Aaron's actions this time aren't as rough as before. When he pinches her, she almost doesn't feel any pain.

Katrina is particularly not accustomed to him touching her.

"I... suddenly feel sleepy and want to go back to my room to rest."

Aaron isn't in a hurry and says, "Haven't you bathed yet?"

Katrina doesn't know why he would suddenly ask this question, but she responds by saying, "I... will go back to my room and take a bath."

"Just in time, I want to take a shower, too. Why don't we do it together?" Aaron says it so casually as if he's just telling her he wanted to eat together because he hasn't eaten yet.

A sudden flush comes over Katrina's pretty face.

She knows Aaron is punishing her for running away as soon as she sees him.

After a few seconds of silence, Katrina finally says in a low voice, "I'm not as sleepy anymore."

Katrina's compromise works well enough for Aaron.

He loosens his grip on her chin and nods. "Fine, go and get me a cup of coffee." He takes off his suit and hands it to Randy. Loosening his tie, he seats himself gracefully on the sofa.

Now that she's been imprisoned in his villa, she couldn't eat and drink for free every day. She had to do something in return.

At Aaron's words, Katrina looks into his deep dark eyes. She involuntarily clenches her fists, feeling distraught.

What does he take her for?

His servant?

His slave?

Where does he get the audacity to order her to get him coffee!

Seeing Katrina standing still, Aaron doesn't get angry and says, "What's wrong?"

He clearly knows she doesn't like it, and he knows she must be cursing him in her mind. But he still can't help wanting to bully her.

He finds it lovely when her little face reddens in anger.

When his men reported that the real thief had been caught, his first reaction wasn't to validate her innocence or to let her go, but to conceal the truth in silence.

He couldn't say why. But for some reason, she attracted him.

For the first time, Aaron is interested in a woman.

Even at work, he casually thinks of her face. The scent of her body has a soothing effect on his nerves and helps him sleep better, which is more useful than any sleeping pill.

Because of this, he can't let her go easily.

"People beneath the eaves have to bow their heads."

"A great man knows when to yield and when not to."

"For a noble man's revenge, ten years isn't too long."

Katrina chants to herself in comfort to soothe her feelings, which are on the verge of breaking down.

"What are you whispering about?" Aaron raises his eyebrow, seeing her muttering to herself.

Katrina takes a deep breath, "Nothing. I'm going."

She's mere meat on Aaron's chopping block, and she can't offend him now. If this vindictive man is too angry for her to let her go because she refuses to pour coffee, it's not worth the trouble. If her current submission can please him, he might let her go in satisfaction.

With that in mind, Katrina decides to pour him coffee.

"Miss Miller." Beside her, Randy moves to go with her.

On the couch, Aaron stops him. "Randy, let her go alone."

Katrina goes to the bar on the corner and pours hot coffee into a cup.

From his position on the couch, Aaron can't see the situation here because of the obstruction in his sight. He won't know if she puts something in the coffee.

Katrina thought about how he had wronged her: forcibly arresting her in the house against her will, not letting her contact the outside world, and even enslaving her… She can't help but feel humiliated.

This bastard!

The more she thinks about it, the angrier she becomes. Her desire for revenge suddenly swells.

Katrina clenches her fists tightly.

No, she can't just sit around and wait for death. He can't keep exploiting her.

Boldly, Katrina finally makes a courageous move and spits in his coffee.

Let him drink! Let him order her to pour coffee!

She doesn't dare add anything pungent like pepper and chili powder to it, but she can add her own saliva.

Perhaps he won't perceive her trivial revenge. At the very least, there's a thrill of revenge in her heart.

Katrina walks lightly towards Aaron holding the coffee.

When Aaron sees her, he stares at her with his black eyes. The vague smile on his handsome face is still present. It doesn't seem to occur to him that she'd serve him a cup of coffee with something added to it.

"Mr. Wilson, your coffee."

Katrina smiles obediently and hands him the coffee.

Aaron takes it calmly and gently blows the hot coffee.

He's going to drink it!

She knows that there's no difference between the coffee with her saliva and the regular coffee, so he definitely won't notice.

Katrina can't resist feeling a burst of joy.

But gradually, she finds that her joy is immoral and deceptive.

Even if she secretly gets revenge on him and spits in his coffee cup, it's not satisfying. Instead of doing any real harm to him, it just shows that she's not trustworthy enough.

She's an adult and a policewoman.

How could she do something so childish? How could she take pride in such an act of underhanded revenge?

Aaron shouldn't have wronged her or imprisoned her. He's been aggressive and rude. But if she retaliates this way, won't she become as bad as him?

No, she can't stoop to his level.

She must stop him.

As Aaron puts his coffee cup to his mouth to drink it, Katrina quickly grabs the cup. "Mr. Wilson, it's a bit cold. I'll go and get you another one."

But before her hand touches the coffee cup, Aaron raises it out of her reach.

Katrina's stunned by Aaron's swift actions and can't help but curse him in her heart.

This idiot!

She's clearly doing it for him. How could he be so blind to the goodness of others? Does he really want to drink her saliva?

He may be willing, but she's not.

She won't be able to live with herself.