Chapter 14: Offending Him Thoroughly

Katrina urges calmly, "Mr. Wilson, I'll go and get you a new one. I'll be back soon!"

Watching her so eager to reach out for his coffee cup, Aaron gets a bad feeling, and he puts his foot forward.

Not expecting the movement, Katrina stumbles so heavily that she falls into his arms and almost breaks her nose against his sturdy chest.

Aaron puts his coffee cup on the side table and seizes the opportunity to hold her. "What can't wait to throw yourself in my arms?"

Seeing Aaron and Katrina embracing each other so intimately, Randy blushes and becomes terribly embarrassed. He quickly excuses himself. "Mr. Wilson, the lawn outside needs to be mowed. I'll go do it now. Please call me if you need anything."

With that, he hurriedly flees without a backward glance.

Katrina is engulfed in a strong and manly scent, and she feels pressure on her sides. When she realizes that two big and warm hands are on her hips, her facial expression suddenly changes.

Angry and ashamed, her pretty eyes are on flames. She looks at Aaron and grits to him, furiously, "Bastard, let me go!"

Should she have been unkind? Should she have let him drink the coffee? She's not the one who would've felt ill. Why did she have to stop him?

Now, he's taken advantage of her.

Katrina trembles with rage at the thought.

Aaron gives her a faint smile. "Didn't you just throw yourself into my arms? Why are you so shy now? What do you mean? Are you playing cat and mouse games?"

Katrina flushes at Aaron's teasing.

"Don't get carried away! I don't think of you that way at all!"

Is she rushing into his arms? She only fell over because she was reaching for his coffee!

He thinks too highly of himself. Although he's very handsome, she dislikes him immensely and can't wait to get away from him.

Now, he thinks she's trying to seduce him?

His narcissism is a disease that has to be cured!

"Oh, really?"

Aaron's hand unintentionally tightens on Katrina's hips, making Katrina feel even more embarrassed and angry. She gets up from his arms and fiercely removes his unwanted hands from her body. She pushes him away and stands a safe distance in front of him.

As she struggles, he catches a whiff of her scent more clearly.

Aaron doesn't know why he's so interested in Katrina's scent.

It is not the smell of perfume, nor the smell of bath liquid. It's more like her body fragrance, it's light, but it smells good.

Katrina is angry, and she looks at Aaron. "Mr. Wilson, please be clear that not every woman is attracted to you. Not every woman wants to seduce you! If you're so afraid that I will do something for you, please let me go immediately. I won't stay here a second longer, and I need to disappear from your sight at once!"

It's the first time that Katrina has said so much in front of Aaron. She is so full of rage that her chest rises and falls heavily, making her enchanting and lovely.

Aaron seems to have no choice but to throw up his hands. "You want to leave? That's too bad. I won't let you go until the thief is caught."

Katrina turns around and is about to return to her room to calm down.

Before she takes a step, she hears a deep voice behind her, "Woman, do you know what will happen if you had succeeded just now?"

Aaron's statement leaves Katrina with a stiff back and a tingling scalp.

What did he mean?

As the saying goes, a good conscience is a soft pillow.

Clearly vindictive, Katrina is definitely guilty though she couldn't bear to go through with it at the last minute and stopped.

But when Aaron mentions it suddenly, she's still a bit nervous.

Does he know what she did? How did he find out that she did something behind his back and spit in his coffee?

At this point, Katrina's fear of Aaron grows stronger.

Katrina looks around the room and suddenly sees a bronze mirror on the antique shelf, which reflects the bar clearly.

That means that Aaron saw everything she did.

He knew that she spat in his coffee from the beginning!

But he didn't say anything when he took the coffee. He was bold enough to drink the coffee!

The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Katrina thought she had the advantage this time, but she didn't expect that he'd see her every action. She's like a jumping jester, entertaining him.

After the shock, Katrina's mood suddenly sinks.

That morning, she just hit his face with bread by accident, and he got so angry. Now, she's caught deliberately spitting in his coffee. Would he let her go as easily now?

She didn't want to offend him, and she wanted to be obedient to him. But she still ended up offending him thoroughly.

Katrina sniffs and says in a low voice an unspeakable sadness, "Are you going to lock me in the dog cage outside?"

Aaron hears her slightly nasal voice and sees her thin shoulders slightly shake.

At that moment, Aaron feels a sudden pain in his heart and a little dumbstruck.

Is she scared? Is she upset?

He was only joking earlier that morning, but she hasn't forgotten it.

Yes, he was amused to see her spit in his coffee cup in the mirror.

This is the revenge of the weak. She did as he expected because he knows she's always displeased with him.

It's not surprising that she would spit in his coffee cup when given the opportunity.

He wouldn't deny that he did this not only to enslave her but also to test her.

At first, he didn't reveal her little trick and feigned ignorance in front of her.

Of course, he wouldn't drink the coffee. He would personally feed it into her mouth until there wasn't a drop left, and let her taste the bitter taste of looking for trouble.

However, when he was about to "drink" the coffee, and her revenge was about to "succeed," he didn't expect her to reach out to stop him suddenly.