Chapter 29: His Future Wife

In the afternoon, Randy comes back from the countryside.

As soon as he gets home, he senses the strange atmosphere in the villa.

Two heelers are kneeling in the yard, not daring to move a muscle. Mr. Wilson punished them for some reason.

Mr. Wilson stayed at home and didn't go to work all day.

Randy is especially worried when he sees Katrina, wrapped in a blanket, and wiping her nose with a tissue. She seems to have caught a bad cold.

She was in good health before he left yesterday.

How did it suddenly change in just one day?

When Mr. Wilson took Katrina to the shopping center yesterday, they seemed to be on good terms with each other.

Why is Katrina suddenly ignoring Mr. Wilson today?

Is Miss Miller's illness related to Mr. Wilson?

Seeing the tense atmosphere between Katrina and Aaron, Randy doesn't dare ask them. Instead, he discreetly asks the other people in the villa to find out what happened.

While Randy is looking after the plants in the yard, he asks a servant in charge of mowing the lawn in the villa, "What happened after I left?"

As he prunes the flowers and plants, the servant takes a careful look inside and whispers, "Randy, you don't know! According to the driver, when Mr. Wilson took Miss Miller to the mall to buy clothes yesterday, Miss Miller threw Mr. Wilson over her shoulder and tried to escape.

"You know the kind of person Mr. Wilson is, and he can't allow her to run away under his nose.

"And everyone knows Mr. Wilson's temper. He was so angry that he ordered two heelers to shut her up on the balcony. But it unexpectedly rained in the evening, and the heelers forgot about her. Two hours passed before they remembered her, and she fell ill.

"As soon as Mr. Wilson received the phone call last night, he rushed back from Mr. Roberts' birthday party and had Dr. William treat her. According to the people inside, Mr. Wilson was so angry that he ordered the two heelers to kneel in the courtyard all night.

"Mr. Wilson didn't go to work this morning, and he stayed at home with Miss Miller. All the servants are saying that the villa will soon have a hostess. Miss Miller is Mr. Wilson's future wife!"

From the servant's gossip, Randy finds out the whole story.

No wonder Katrina doesn't want to see Mr. Wilson. It turns out that Mr. Wilson ordered the heelers to lock her up, which caused her to catch a bad cold and get sick.

But Miss Miller was too audacious.

She dared to run away in broad daylight, even going as far as to attack Mr. Wilson and throw him down.

Randy warned her not to be impulsive, but she still…

For Mr. Wilson, the punishment she received was light. If it was someone else, who knows how serious it would've been!

Although Randy feels that Aaron has special affections for Katrina, Mr. Wilson didn't say anything. Encouraging rumors or speculation would be irresponsible.

Randy warns, "Don't gossip about this. You know Mr. Wilson's temper. If he finds out about this, what do you think will happen to your job?"

Hearing Randy's words, the servant quickly shuts his mouth, "Thanks for the reminder, Randy. I know. I won't talk about it anymore."

Hostess? Mr. Wilson's future wife?

If Mr. Wilson thinks otherwise, they will get into trouble when he hears about it.

After Randy comes back, the task of taking care of Katrina falls on him.

After all, Aaron has much work to do every day. He can't stay at home and supervise her all the time.

Randy supervises Katrina's eating and taking medicine on time three times a day. When the weather gets cold, he asks her to put on more clothes and brings her blankets.

Randy is always gentle and kind, quite different from Aaron.

Katrina doesn't want to embarrass Randy, so she obediently eats her meals and takes her medicine.

Under Randy's care, Katrina gets better gradually. Her cold isn't as severe as it was before.

No matter how late he comes home every day, Aaron will come to see Katrina, seemingly concerned about her health.

But he never says anything about letting her go.

Katrina vaguely imagines that she's like a pet in his cage, without any freedom at all.

She hates it and despises Aaron's dictatorship.

But in the face of his arbitrariness and imperiousness, she's too weak. She feels powerless against him.

Since she can't change the status quo and she can't get back at him, she can only choose to hurt herself.

He's worried about her health, is he?

He wants her to get better quickly, does he?

She refuses to get better as he wishes. She wants to defy him.

That night, Katrina lies in the bathtub, soaking in cold water for half an hour.

The bitter cold water soaks into her body and makes her shiver, but she grits her teeth and endures it.

She's going to get back at him by torturing herself.

Katrina is susceptible to illness and is particularly afraid of the cold. Additionally, she hasn't fully recovered from her cold yet. How could her body stand such torment?

As expected, the cold shower causes her to get a fever in the middle of the night.

When Aaron sits at the breakfast table the next morning, he finds that Katrina's seat is still empty, and she hasn't gotten up yet.

Aaron glances casually at Katrina's seat. Randy immediately says, "Mr. Wilson, would you like me to wake up, Miss Miller?"

Aaron assumes that her cold medicine has made her drowsy. Not wanting to disturb her rest, he says, "No, let her sleep."

After breakfast, Aaron goes to work. He has an important contract to negotiate this morning.

At about 10 a.m., Katrina still hasn't gotten up.

Randy feels a bit strange. He goes to Katrina's room and knocks on the door

After knocking for a long time, Katrina finally opens the door.

Randy is shocked at the sight of her. "Miss Miller, what happened to you?"

She was well yesterday. How did she get so ill that she can barely stand?

Randy quickly helps Katrina back to bed.

He uses a thermometer to take her temperature. She has a fever of 37.8 degrees.

Randy is very anxious. He hurries to call the private doctor and asks him to treat Katrina.

Then he calls Aaron to report to him.

But he can't reach Aaron.

Currently attending an important meeting, Aaron set his phone on silent mode.

After the meeting two hours later, he sees a call from Randy and immediately calls back, "What happened, Randy?"

"Mr. Wilson, Miss Miller is seriously ill again!"