Chapter 30: She Had Fever

At Randy's words, Aaron's eyebrows furrow with concern. "What happened?"

"When I went to wake Miss Miller up this morning, she didn't look well. I took her temperature, and it was 37.8°C!"

"Has the doctor seen her yet?"

"Doctor William has given Miss Miller a check-up and prescribed some antipyretics for her. I've already fed her."

Aaron looks down at his wristwatch. "I see. Take good care of her. Contact me if you have any questions."

"Yes, Mr. Wilson."

After hanging up the phone, Aaron is deep in thought.

Last night, Katrina looked well and nearly fully recovered.

What happened this morning? Why did she suddenly get sick and get a fever again? What's wrong?

Things aren't always that simple for Aaron.

After work, Aaron drives straight home.

Dr. William is still at the villa. Since Aaron wasn't present this morning, he was wary about giving Katrina an antipyretic injection and only gave her regular medicine.

After giving her the medicine, Dr. William stayed to observe her temperature every two hours. The fever disappeared, but the cold only seems to be getting worse.

As soon as Aaron arrives, Randy rushes over to update him. "Mr. Wilson, Miss Miller's body temperature has returned to normal. There's nothing serious besides the cold, and she's currently resting in her room."

Aaron takes off his coat and hands it to Randy. Then he loosens his tie and sits down on the couch before asking William, "What happened?"

Katrina was treated by William, who also prescribed medicine when she first got sick.

These days, Randy has been making sure she took medicine on time. It looked like her health was improving day by day. Why did it suddenly get worse?

William becomes stressed under Aaron's scrutiny. He hurries to say, "Mr. Wilson, don't look at me like that! I swear that it has nothing to do with my medical skills or the medicine I prescribed her!"

When Aaron doesn't withdraw his overbearing stare, Doctor William hesitates and says, "According to my preliminary judgment, the reason for her illness this time is basically the same as before, she caught a cold."

Hearing this, Randy hurries to hang Aaron's coat and come up to him. "But Dr. William, Mr. Wilson, has asked me to take good care of Miss Miller every day. There's no chance for Miss Miller to catch a cold."

Last time, she was in the rain for two hours.

This time, Randy always gives her a blanket whenever she feels even slightly cold. There's no chance of catching a cold with his care.

Besides, the weather isn't cool, and it hasn't rained recently.

"This..." William pauses as if he's afraid to voice his thoughts.

"Go ahead with your business, Randy," Aaron says.

"Yes, Mr. Wilson." Randy bows respectfully before leaving.

After Randy leaves, Aaron looks at William. "Go on, tell me what happened."

"I guess, and I'm just guessing here, perhaps she... took a cold shower?"

After all, there's only one possibility.

She was fine yesterday and got a fever overnight.

That leaves only one way for her to catch a cold in one night. The temperature in the villa is just suitable, and there's no other possibility of catching a cold. The only explanation is that… she took a cold shower yesterday.

At William's words, Aaron's face darkens. It's evident that he's in a foul mood.

Smart as he is, he knows why Katrina did it.

How could she protest his detention by torturing her own body?

How could she do such a thing against him?

This damned woman!

He underestimated her, after all!

Aaron doesn't know whether to scold her stupidity or admire her unyielding spirit.

In the evening, Katrina is preparing to take a shower in the bathroom with a change of clothes and underwear, when Aaron comes in.

At the sight of him, Katrina's face darkens, and she quickly asks him to leave. "I'm going to sleep. Let's talk tomorrow."

Aaron doesn't say anything and walks over to Katrina.

Katrina watches as he approaches her. His handsome face is blank as if he was hiding something unpleasant.

Katrina steps back. "Aaron, what are you doing?"

"I'm helping you take a shower!" Aaron nearly clenches his teeth in anger.

Bending over, he lifts Katrina over his shoulder and heads for the bathroom.

Katrina punches his back with her fist. "Aaron, you're crazy! Let me down!"

In the blink of an eye, Aaron throws Katrina into the bathtub, turns the tap on, and starts to set the water temperature and draw off the water.

Seeing that he intends to help her bathe, Katrina is shocked. "I can bathe myself! Please leave!"

Aaron's dark eyes narrow, and he looks at her intently. "Bathe yourself? And spend another night in cold water? "

In his words, Katrina's momentary panic is visible on her face when she meets his dangerous and oppressive black eyes.

Does he know?

Even so, Katrina can't bear taking a bath while a man watches her!

Katrina jumps out of the tub and tries to escape while Aaron lets the water out.

His hand unexpectedly grasps her wrist and quickly pulls her back into his arms with little effort.

Katrina struggles desperately in his arms. "Aaron, let me go! Let me go! I don't want you to wash me!"

Her soft body rubs against his, and her thin nightdress gets a little wet from her struggling, making her curvy figure dimly visible through the fabric.

At that moment, an intense fire rushes into Aaron's heart.

He comes closer to say into Katrina's ear, "Katrina, I'm not interested in ill patients... But I swear that if you do this again, I will satisfy you. Do you want to give it a try?"

Aaron's voice is low and dangerous.

The warm breath from his nose is hot against her ears.

She can even feel the firm muscles of his chest and the heat from his body.

The moment he warns her, she gives in.

Katrina knows he's a man who doesn't give empty threats.

She's clearly rebelling against him. She doesn't want him to touch her at all! How could he distort the facts and think she's trying to seduce him!

Although Katrina hates Aaron's warning, she's afraid that if she fights back, the beast will force her to.

For the sake of her innocence, she puts up with it and stops struggling.