Chapter 31: I won’t Touch You

After holding Katrina for a while, Aaron releases her when the tub is almost filled with water. "Now take off your clothes," he says sternly.

He's still staring at her in the bathroom, how could he ask her to take off her clothes?

What a bully!

Katrina is ashamed and angry. "Aaron, you…"

Aaron remains calm. "Since you dared to take a cold shower in secret, you should know that you're going to be punished. Take off your clothes."

Hearing Aaron's words, Katrina is brought back to four years ago.

That year, the bastard pointed a gun at her in the dark and forced her to undress.

And now, to punish her, Aaron personally supervises her shower.

Katrina looks at him angrily. "What if I don't!"

"I don't mind taking it off myself."

In his words, Katrina can hardly mask her hatred for him.

What the hell did she do to deserve this? She suddenly regrets her actions.

She took a cold bath and was the one who suffered a cold. When she got sick, she was the one who felt terrible and had to take medicine.

Now, she has to endure Aaron's escalating bullying and humiliation.

Katrina feels depressed about everything.

Yes, her illness made Aaron feel bad. But he got his revenge on her.

It's evident that she has hurt not only Aaron but also herself.

Aaron seems determined to help her bathe, so Katrina chooses to take off her clothes rather than have him do it for her.

In the end, Katrina has to grit her teeth and take off her nightdress. She sits in the bathtub in her underwear.

She desperately tries to add bubble bath liquid to the bathtub to increase the bubbles for her modesty. She hides under the bubbles and glares at Aaron.

Why is he idle?

Is he bored?

Why does he have to keep an eye on her while she takes a bath!

She really believes that he's a rascal under his handsome appearance!

Taking a bath in the bathtub should be very enjoyable, but with a man sitting next to her, all Katrina feels is uncomfortable.

Being the subject of surveillance, Katrina is on the verge of breaking down. Every second for her feels like a year of suffering.

Fifteen minutes later, Katrina says to Aaron, "I'm going to change my clothes. Please leave!"

Aaron shoots her a casual look. "It's not like I haven't seen you before. Just change."

His response is meant to remind her that when she was unconscious the last time, he was the one who washed her and changed her clothes.

Katrina knew this but hearing him say it so bluntly makes her face twisted in anger and humiliation. "Y-you!"

It seems Aaron is using this method to remind her who will suffer more if she gets herself sick again.

After that, how could she dare revolt against him by torturing herself again?

Aaron doesn't bother Katrina anymore and strides out of the bathroom.

Katrina crawls out of the tub. Then she takes off her wet underwear and changes into clean underwear and pajamas.

Katrina walks out of the bathroom to find Aaron lying in her bed. He hasn't left.

She stops at sight. Aaron looks at her and says, "What are you doing? Come here."

Katrina takes a deep breath and tries to keep her temper down. "Aaron, I've already bathed. What are you still doing here?"

Aaron looks at her with his dark eyes and replies, "To sleep with you."

Katrina nearly stops breathing, and her temper flares up again. "Who wants to sleep with you? Please leave!"

She's not a 3-year-old kid. She doesn't need him to accompany her!

He should make up a better excuse or keep his mouth shut!

"When I leave, you'll just go back to the bathroom and take a cold shower to torture yourself to death," Aaron says firmly.

At the repeated mention of taking a cold shower, Katrina calms down. "Don't worry, and I won't."

She suddenly regrets her impulsive actions.

If she hadn't done that, she wouldn't have to go through this harsh punishment.

Now, she's going crazy from his revenge.

But Aaron doesn't seem to believe Katrina and makes no move to leave her room. He remains in her bed and waits for her to come over and sleep.

How could Katrina compromise so easily and agree to sleep with him?

"If you won't go, I will." She turns around and walks to the door.

Since he likes her room so much, she'll give him her room and sleep on the sofa in the living room instead.

Katrina hears a light sound. She doesn't know what button Aaron pressed on the phone, but the door is stuck and won't open.

"Katrina, if you want me to release you, you should listen to me. Maybe one day, I'll let you go." Aaron lies in bed leisurely while Katrina struggles with the door.

"If you keep fighting me, you'll stay here forever. I can afford it."

Katrina suddenly stops.

Yes, he's right.

With her current capacity, she won't get out of here unless Aaron agrees to let her go.

Katrina turns and looks at him. "Aaron, if I listen to you, will you let me go?"

"You don't believe me?" Aaron asks.

Fearing that he would take it back, Katrina quickly nods. "I believe you!"

Besides, Aaron is a businessman. He's too powerful to fool a penniless policewoman like her.

As long as he'll let her go, she's willing to compromise herself to follow him for the sake of her freedom.

"Come and sleep."

Sleeping in the same bed with a man is more or less dangerous. She feels like a sheep coming into the mouth of a tiger.

Remembering Aaron's threats in the bathroom, Katrina is unconsciously alert. For her safety, she says, "Aaron, I promise I'll listen to you. But you can't touch me casually."

"As long as you don't mess with me, I promise I won't touch you."

Katrina manages to overcome her fears and walks to the side of the bed. She lifts the covers and lies next to Aaron.

As soon as Katrina gets in bed, Aaron gathers her in his arms. His arms wrap around her waist to hold her.

The atmosphere feels heavy with his domineering air. Katrina struggles in his arms. "You said you wouldn't touch me!"

Her hips inadvertently bump against him. Aaron's voice is hoarse and low as he speaks, "Don't move! If you keep doing that to seduce me, I can't guarantee that I'll let you leave the room standing straight tomorrow!"