Chapter 32: Sleep With Her

Aaron's words carry a different meaning.

Katrina vaguely feels something hot against her, making her stiffen and freeze in fear.

"Aaron… Don't be impulsive. Impulse is the devil." Katrina speaks with trepidation.

Aware of his body's reaction, Katrina is afraid he would force himself on her if he acts on his impulse.

She easily trusted him to sleep with him… Is she too foolish?

But she doesn't expect his body to respond so easily. Isn't he used to being around with so many women?

Katrina is so nervous and stiff and her soft voice full of fear and warning, and Aaron chuckles and whispers, "Why are you so nervous, Katrina? Are you expecting me to do something for you?

Katrina is cute when she's nervous.

The more nervous she becomes, the more he wants to tease her.

Sure enough, Katrina responds angrily, "No, I'm not!"

"If you're not, go to sleep. Stop daydreaming." Aaron holds Katrina into his arms and closes his eyes.

Since he promised not to touch her, he won't do anything to her tonight.

Although Aaron longs for her body, he knows that she's particularly unhappy with her captivity. She would hate him even more if he goes back on his word.

After all, he doesn't want to force her, at least not now.

Engulfed in Aaron's embrace, Katrina can't move.

Not long after, she hears steady breathing behind her.

Katrina is surprised. Does Aaron usually fall asleep so fast?

Well, Aaron quickly fell asleep just now.

Katrina lays on her side, feeling one of her arms become slightly numb.

She wants to adjust her position, but she's afraid her movements will excite this rascal again.

"Hey, Aaron."

In the dark, Katrina whispers Aaron's name.

"Aaron, are you asleep?"

Only steady breathing answers her.

It looks like he's really asleep.

Katrina moves slightly to adjust to a comfortable position. She closes her eyes and quickly goes to sleep.

The next morning, Aaron opens his eyes to see Katrina cuddling in his arms. He smiles at her lovely face.

She's very docile when she's asleep.

Aaron carefully pulls his arm from under her head and gently gets up, cautious of awakening her.

Now, he's more confident that he can sleep well as long as he has Katrina by his side.

When Katrina wakes up, Aaron is gone.

She doesn't know when he left, but she can still feel the heat that his body left behind next to her.

Katrina actually slept with Aaron while she was conscious. She blushed at the thought.

Fortunately, he kept his word and didn't do anything to her.

She doesn't want to admit it, but it felt safe to be in his arms.

Stretching, Katrina gets out of bed.

When she walks out of the room, Randy immediately comes up to her. "Miss Miller, I'll have someone prepare your breakfast. This way, please."

Every day, Randy has been taking care of Katrina so conscientiously and thoughtfully. She suddenly feels guilty for deliberately taking a cold shower to worsen her health.

"Thank you, Randy," Katrina says politely and sits down at the table.

Randy is as affable as ever. "Miss Miller, it's my pleasure. It's my job."

It's a weekend today. If Katrina isn't mistaken, Aaron shouldn't be at work.

But Aaron isn't in the villa.

Where did he go in the morning?

No matter where he is, it's good that he's gone.

Katrina feels a lot more relaxed without him present.

At least Randy and the rest of the staff in the villa won't bully her or force her to do things against her will.

Since Aaron punished two of his men to kneel under the rain last time, everyone in the villa has been kind to Katrina whenever they see her.

Despite being imprisoned without freedom, Katrina lives a luxurious life, eating and sleeping every day like a pet.

Just as Katrina basks in the knowledge of not having to face Aaron, Randy says, "Miss Miller, Mr. Wilson has a private matter to deal with this morning and will be back in two hours."

Katrina chokes in the middle of swallowing a mouthful of milk.

She coughs continuously.

He's coming back so soon?

At Katrina's reaction, Randy quickly pulls out a napkin and hands it to her. "Mr. Wilson will be happy to know that Miss Miller misses him so much," he says.

Last night, Aaron came back from work looking terrible and in a bad mood when he found out that Katrina's health was getting worse.

Aaron stayed in Katrina's room last night.

When he left Katrina's room early this morning, Aaron looked refreshed and in a good mood.

Additionally, Katrina got up so late…

After all, Randy was also young once. He assumed that last night… They had an indescribable night.

When Katrina hears Randy's comment, she becomes particularly devastated and chaotic.

"I don't miss him!"

What is Randy thinking!

She hopes that Aaron never comes back!

Thinking Katrina is just being shy, Randy smiles knowingly and says nothing more.

After breakfast, Katrina sits in a chair by the floor-to-ceiling window and reads a book under the sun.

Afraid that she'll get bored staying at home every day, Aaron had a lot of popular books bought for her to pass the time. All the books are silly love stories and comics that young girls love to read.

After a while, Katrina hears Randy's voice from outside while she lies drowsily in her chair.

"Miss Roberts, Mr. Wilson isn't home right now. Would you like to come another day again?"

"When will Aaron be back? I'll wait for him."

A young woman's sweet voice comes, accompanied by the sound of high heels on the floor.

"Well, I'll call Mr. Wilson."

Katrina opens her eyes in a daze and sees a young woman approaching with something in her hand.

The beautiful woman has wavy hair and a delicate face. She's dressed in a very short red miniskirt and has an alluring figure.

It's the first time for Katrina to see a woman in Aaron's villa, not to mention a beautiful young woman.

Besides, the woman whom Randy called "Miss Roberts" just called Aaron by his name. What's their relationship?

Perhaps Katrina has been reading too many silly love stories. The first thought that comes to mind is…

Is this woman Aaron's girlfriend?

Or his fiancé?