Chapter 36: He Kissed Her

This bastard! He kissed her!

Aaron finally releases Katrina's lips. Remembering the soft and sweet touch, he nods and says in a deep and husky voice, "Yes, definitely delicious."

Faced with Aaron's blatant teasing, Katrina feels mortified. Her pretty face turns red, and her beautiful eyes glare at him with intense hatred.

She only ate his dessert, how could he pay her back this way?

It wasn't fair!

"Mr. Wilson, Miss Miller, it's time for dinner."

Just then, Randy bravely approaches with a red face.

He seems to have witnessed something he shouldn't have. He looks down and doesn't dare turn to Aaron.

Aaron doesn't care and nods his head nonchalantly.

Ashamed, Katrina wants to find a hole in the ground to hide in.

"I'm full." Katrina rushes to her room, covering her face.

"Mr. Wilson…"

Aaron looks at Katrina's retreating back and says, "Let her go."

The stupid woman has eaten many desserts. She'll overeat if he forces her to have dinner.

Seeing Aaron's smile makes Randy realize that Mr. Wilson has been smiling more since Miss Miller came to the villa.

When Mr. Wilson looks at Miss Miller and speaks to her, both his expression and tone contain rare tenderness and indulgence.

Every time Katrina attempts to revolt against Aaron, she fails…

She decided to change her strategy and follow Aaron's orders, hoping that he'll find his conscience and let her go one day.

Katrina manages to keep her temper in check and acts nicely towards Aaron.

Instead of embarrassing her, Aaron gives her some expensive diamonds and jewelry.

Perhaps this is how a rich man rewards someone for being obedient. If Aaron weren't imprisoning her as a thief, Katrina would think that he was treating her as a kept woman.

Aaron promised Katrina that he wouldn't touch her as long as she does not mess with him.

But every night, Aaron regularly occupies Katrina's room and hugs her in his sleep.

Although Katrina is disgusted, she's unable to resist.

Since Aaron promised not to touch her, Katrina feels a bit safe. She eventually regards him as a humanoid pillow lying beside her to warm her bed every day.

One morning, Katrina wakes up in Aaron's arms as usual.

But this time, she woke up feeling uncomfortable with pain near her abdomen.

Katrina gently removes Aaron's arm from her waist and moves to get out of bed when Aaron opens his eyes and holds her tighter. He says in a low and hoarse voice, "It's still early. Where are you going?"

"Aaron, I'm going to the bathroom. Let me go."

Katrina's voice is weak.

When Aaron looks down, he finds that she's a little pale. Her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and she looks uncomfortable.

Aaron finally lets Katrina go, and she slips out of bed. His eyes are fixed on her in fear that there's something wrong with her.

When Katrina leaves the bed, Aaron notices a bright red stain on the white sheets she vacated.

Is she bleeding?

Is she hurt?

Aaron is so concerned that he pulls Katrina back to bed and rushes to lift her nightdress.

Katrina is startled to be suddenly dragged back in bed. She quickly pulls down her skirt in panic. "Aaron, what are you doing?"

A man's body is most sensitive in the morning, and he could do something to her!

"Are you hurt? Where is it? Show me!"

Aaron resumes lifting her dress as he speaks.

"Hurt? I'm not hurt!" Although Katrina is stunned, she keeps her nightgown pressed down and refuses to let Aaron go further.

Aaron looks into her eyes. "You're bleeding."

Katrina is momentarily dumbstruck. When she sees the blood on the bed sheets, her face suddenly turns red, like a bright red apple.

She ate a lot of ice cream last night, so she assumes that she just got a stomach ache this morning.

She doesn't expect her menstruation to come.

It's five or six days ahead of schedule, and she's entirely unprepared for embarrassing herself like this.

"I... I..." Katrina stammers.

Aaron is a thorough man!

When her period arrives, he unbelievably thinks that her hip is injured and demands to see her wound.

Katrina is speechless.

She's ashamed to even think about it.

Looking at Katrina's red face, Aaron notices that she's having difficulty responding and is feeling embarrassed to talk about it. He finally realizes what happened.

Aaron can't be blamed for his ignorance.

He grew up surrounded by men. His first reaction at the sight of blood is to find the wound.

Realizing that Katrina is undergoing her monthly cycle, Aaron finally releases her and coughs awkwardly. "Go."

Katrina quickly gets out of bed and runs to the bathroom with her head bowed down.

Since Katrina is the only woman in the villa, no one would have the foresight to prepare sanitary napkins for her in advance.

Katrina is too shy to talk about it and never mentions it to Aaron.

But now, with the sudden visit, someone has to buy it for her.

She's not familiar with anyone in the villa and is too ashamed to make such a request.

Randy is old enough to be her elder and isn't suitable.

After mulling over it, Katrina decides to bother Aaron.

Anyway, he already saw it early this morning. There is no better option than him.

Katrina gathers her courage to walk out of the bathroom and quickly slips Aaron a note. "Aaron, I need these. Please buy them for me."

Aaron takes the note, and the underlined words read, "Sanitary napkins."

He feels momentarily at a loss when he reads the note.

Buy menstrual products for women? This is unprecedented in his 28 years of living!

Although he feels helpless, he couldn't abandon Katrina.

And he can't bother anyone else with it.

Aaron purses his lips and says nothing. He changes his clothes and decides to buy them for her.

Once he's dressed, he walks out of the room and meets Randy outside.

Randy is surprised to see Aaron going out so early in the morning. "Mr.Wilson, where are you going?"