Chapter 37: Enrich Her Blood

Aaron answers, "Out."

Something suddenly comes to Aaron's mind. Turning around to look atRandy, he says, "Tell the kitchen staff to prepare a light and more nutritious diet for the next few days. Something that will enrich the blood."

"Enrich the blood?" Randy is stunned and a bit confused.

Is Miss Miller anemic?

Randy doesn't dare ask the reason behind Aaron's request and relays the instructions to the kitchen staff.

When Katrina comes out for breakfast that morning, she finds today's porridge filled with red beans and red dates.

Aaron gets back while Katrina is having breakfast.

Behind them are two non-disabled men, each carrying two large cardboard boxes.

"Mr. Wilson, where do you want these?"

"Put it in her room!"

Katrina is shocked to see two men running to her room back and forth.

She asked Aaron to buy her sanitary napkins, but how much did Aaronbuy?

Ten whole boxes!

That's enough to last her entire life!

Not to mention he bought sanitary napkins in such an ostentatious way, that everyone in the villa would know that she got her period today…

The thought makes her want to die in shame.

What a stupid jerk!

Katrina is entirely speechless.

Whenever Katrina's period comes, her body becomes more or less uncomfortable.

She becomes weak all over, gets a backache and a pain in her lower abdomen, and is unable to sit for too long.

Aaron knows that the monthly cycle is the weakest period for girls, and notices that Katrina looks listless all day. He asks Randy to take good care of her.

At noon, Katrina finds dishes like braised black chicken and stir-fried pork liver on the table.

Aaron keeps putting them into her bowl to make her eat more.

Katrina stares dumbfounded at the mountain of food in her bowl.

At this point, she realizes Aaron's good intentions.

Because of her period, he's telling her to eat more food to enrich her blood and build up her health.

She wants to laugh and cry at his special treatment, but she really doesn't like eating animal's guts.

A woman gets her period once a month. He doesn't have to treat her like a patient and worry too much.

Since Aaron misunderstood her as a thief and refused to let her go, some unpleasant things happened between them.

But she's somewhat moved by his concern.

Katrina grew up in a single-parent family without a mother.

When she was 8, her father lost his life to save a man who committed suicide, and she was sent to an orphanage.

By the time she was 12, a man called Carl Anderson, who claimed to be a friend of her father found her. He adopted her and provided for her education.

Except for Uncle Anderson, the rest of the Anderson family doesn't like her.

She didn't have a good life in the Anderson family. Every day, she had to endure contemptuous looks from Mrs. Anderson and Sophie. She also had to watch out for Samuel, who made trouble for her every day.

Katrina had a particularly difficult upbringing, and few people around her took care of her and protected her.

As a very insecure person with a troubled past, Katrina is easily moved by a small act of kindness from another person.

Like now, Aaron bought her clothes when she was cold, gave her medicine when she was ill, applied ointment when she was scalded, bought her sanitary napkins when she got her menstrual period, and told the kitchen staff to make her food to replenish her blood…

Katrina realizes that her attitude toward Aaron isn't as acrimonious as when she first arrived.

Although Aaron is very domineering and sometimes quite shameless and hateful, as long as she doesn't deliberately disobey and anger him, he treats her well all the time.

But Katrina still doesn't give up the thought of leaving.

She doesn't know why Aaron won't let her go.

He says it's because she stole his stuff, but Katrina knows it's just an excuse.

Because when she's with him, he never mentions losing something, which means he doesn't care about it at all.

Or maybe he retrieved it long ago, and he's just hiding it from her.

Of course, she's only speculating.

If Aaron insists on denying it, what can she do?

Katrina knows that Aaron isn't a bad guy from the time they spent together. She believes he wouldn't hurt her.

Still, she doesn't want to be a canary in his golden cage. She looks forward to the day she can be free again.

Just because he's a little tender and caring, she's not going to get hooked on this feeling. She won't let her pampered life here make her gradually forget what she really wants.

After all, Aaron is still a dangerous man and not a person she could handle.

Her current obedience is just a practical measure.

As long as she's obedient to him, he won't bother her. It's all for the sake of her own safety.

For whatever reason he's imprisoning her, she'll try to get out whenever the right opportunity presents itself.

Aaron's sugar-coated bullets are so powerful, and she's afraid that she'll become addicted to his kindness after a while. That she'll get used to his care and be brainwashed into feeling guilty for leaving him…

While Katrina is lost in her thoughts, Aaron taps her on the head. "What are you thinking about? Does bleeding make you foolish? Eat your lunch."

"I don't like pork liver," Katrina says and looks at him plaintively, rubbing her sore head.

Just as she admits to herself that Aaron is kind, he goes and taps her head again. What a nasty guy!

Frowning, Aaron touches his chin as he thinks. He hands her the red wine on the table. "Why don't you drink this?"

Red wine can also nourish the skin and enrich the blood, more or less restoring some vitality.

Katrina is speechless at his actions and says nothing. She lowers her head and drinks the soup.

Aaron, this thorough man, is making her drink a bottle of red wine to replenish her blood!

Could he be any cruder?