Chapter 38: His Feelings of Longing and Affection

Probably because of her period, Katrina is always tired and sleepy. She often feels abdominal pain that makes her uncomfortable.

In the evening, she goes to bed early.

She used to apply the warm paste on her abdomen during her menstrual period.

But there's no such thing in Aaron's villa. She has to get in bed and curl up into a ball to ease the pain a little.

When she's half-asleep, she suddenly feels a warm chest against her back.

Katrina opens her eyes and turns her head to see Aaron.

She's about to turn over to make room for him when Aaron holds her from behind and whispers to her ear, "Don't move."

Afraid that he'll tease her and he'll start acting like a rascal like last time, Katrina lies still and doesn't dare move.

Aaron reaches into the quilt, and his hand slides into her dress.

Katrina panics and quickly holds down her dress. "Aaron, no."

Pretending not to hear her, Aaron takes her hand away and slides in, gently rubbing her abdomen with his warm hand.

The warmth of his hand seeps into her stomach continuously, and the pain starts to subside.

Katrina realizes that he's trying to make her feel better, and not take advantage of her.

Though it embarrasses her to be rubbed by a man like this, Katrinanever thought she'd experience such intimacy with a man who isn't her boyfriend…

His hands are warm, and her stomach feels better from his ministrations.

Under Aaron's care, Katrina's pain eases gradually, and she relaxes.

Sometimes, Aaron doesn't seem so terrible.

When he first saw the blood on the bed, he thought she had hurt her hip and demanded to see her wound. For him to take time and relieve her dysmenorrhea this way, he must work a lot in private.

She faintly feels a hint of a boyfriend's concern from him.

What happened?

Under Aaron and Randy's care, Katrina's menstrual period passes by without a fuss.

Counting the days, Katrina realizes that she has been imprisoned for over ten days.

She hasn't been in contact with the outside world for that long, and she doesn't know what's going on with her family.

When Farrah found out that she hasn't returned and the people in her life realize that she's gone missing, they're likely to go crazy.

It's a depressing thought.

Although Aaron takes good care of her, Katrina is disappointed that he never says anything about letting her go.

She doesn't dare ask Aaron when he'll let her go.

Because he seems so sensitive to the subject, she's afraid of provoking him by accident. Instead of letting her go, he might lose his fleeting humanity and tenderness.

As Katrina grows homesick, things start to shift.

Aaron has a significant business abroad that needs to be dealt with urgently. He needs to go to Australia that day.

It would take him at least a week to come back.

It's the first time he's been away for so long since Katrina was imprisoned.

Seeing the private jets parked in the villa yard, Katrina is thrilled to hear that Aaron is about to leave the country.

She nods calmly. "Come back early."

Aaron calmly takes Katrina's hand and heads for the private jet. "I 've got your luggage packed. I'm taking you with me."

These days, Aaron has grown used to sleeping with her at night.

It's a week-long trip, and he isn't used to not having her around anymore.

Aaron included Katrina in his itinerary. She's also one of the important things that he must take on his business trip.

Katrina is shocked to hear this.

She was planning to sneak away while Aaron wasn't around. How could she run away if he takes her with him?

Katrina pulls Aaron's hand gently.

Aaron stops and turns around. "What's wrong?"

Katrina lowers her head and says softly, "Well, I… I still have my period. It won't be very convenient for me to go on a trip."

Aaron's thin lips tighten as he hears Katrina, his black eyes fixed on her.

Just as Katrina thinks her lie is about to be exposed, Aaron suddenly gathers her into his arms.

He hugs her tightly and strokes her hair. "Okay, stay at home. If you need anything, ask Randy. I'll be back as soon as I can."

These days, Katrina has been noticeably unwell.

For the first time, Aaron finds out that a woman is weak enough to get sick if she isn't careful. Completely different from the tall and strong men around him, a woman needs special patience and gentle care.

Her health wasn't in good condition, to begin with, then she suddenly gets her period, which makes her look at all the iller. A 10-hour flight is difficult enough for a healthy person, and he's afraid that she won't be able to bear the trip.

Besides, he doesn't know if she can adapt to the weather in Australia. If she didn't adjust, it would make things worse.

Given the urgent job he has to deal with, he won't have much time to take care of her during the trip.

If the trip makes her ill again, he will only feel worse.

After much consideration, he finally gives up taking her abroad with him and chooses to let her stay at home.

He doesn't even realize that he's reluctant to part with her.

But he'll be back in a week, as soon as he finishes his work.

The man traveling with Aaron loads the luggage onto the plane and comes up to him and says, "Mr. Wilson, it's time to go."

Aaron finally releases Katrina.

He studies her pretty face, staring particularly at her rosy soft lips.

Katrina blushes at the attention. As she dodges his gaze, he suddenly lowers his head and kisses her.

The kiss seems to contain all his feelings of longing and affection.

Katrina was shocked by his sudden kiss.

Though she could feel his reluctance in his demeanor and expression, she never thought he would kiss her in front of so many people.

When Aaron's men witness the scene, they all immediately turn around and pretend they don't see anything.

Time runs out, and Aaron gives her a quick kiss before letting her go.

"Randy, take good care of her." are Aaron's last words.

He takes a step back and turns around to board the private plane.

Katrina and Randy watch them leave the yard until the plane flies higher and higher, leaving only a small black dot.