Chapter 40: Opposites Attracts

After Randy leaves, Katrina quietly enjoys the flowers and plants in the yard.

The field of colorful flowers in the yard consists of all kinds of beautiful flowers.

Crouching down, Katrina nuzzles the tip of her nose to a flower and sniffs. Her face is filled with unspeakable happiness.

She looks warm and beautiful under the sun.

Not far away, two young men feel delighted at the scene.

Since they spend all day with Aaron and have no time to fall in love, they seldom meet girls.

The presence of a lovely and beautiful girl in the villa is a pleasant change.

Maybe this is what they call "opposites attract."

Even the scene of her squatting to appreciate the flowers is a beautiful and pleasing sight.

Katrina moves to stand up after enjoying the flowers and plants.

Probably because she's been squatting too long and hasn't eaten anything that morning, the moment Katrina stands up, and she suddenly feels dizzy and begins to wobble.

The two men who have been watching her start to panic, and they exchange looks and quickly run to her. "Miss Miller, Miss Miller, what's wrong?"

Katrina can't help but fall to the ground, holding her head in her hands as her face turns pale.

"Miss Miller, how are you? Are you all right?" The men hastily hold her head.

Katrina's brow wrinkles as she covers her head. "I'm dizzy."

These days, Aaron's love for Katrina is noticeable to everyone. Before he left, he told his men to take good care of her.

Seeing Katrina like this, the two can't help worrying anxiously.

If Mr. Wilson finds out, he will punish them for not taking care of her.

"Hold on, Miss Miller, I'll call Dr. William and have him come at once!"

Katrina grabs one of them as he pulls out his cell phone to make a call.

When her soft hand catches him, the man is stunned. His face flushes, and he begins to stutter, "What… what's wrong, Miss Miller?"

Looking at him with big and wet eyes, Katrina implores, "Would you mind not calling Dr. William?"

Her voice is soft, almost coquettish in charming and softening people.


Although the girl is very beautiful, she belongs to their boss, and they dare not covet her.

The man tries to pull his hand back, but Katrina refuses to let go in fear that he would call Dr. William right away.

Afraid of hurting her, he doesn't dare use too much strength. He has no choice but to stay in her grasp, face red and heart wildly beating in panic.

"I'm just a little hypoglycemic. I've had it for a while. I squatted for a long time to admire the flowers in the courtyard, so when I got up, I got dizzy… It's nothing serious. Please don't bother Dr. William.

"If you call Dr. William, he'll report to Aaron. He just went abroad to deal with something important. I don't want to distract him because of my health."

Katrina's sincere words make sense.

After contemplating it, the two men agree with her.

Mr. Wilson pays so much attention to Miss Miller that he would get very worried when he finds out that she fainted. It would be really inconvenient to disturb him at this time.

Miss Miller is so sweet to take Mr. Wilson into consideration.

It seems that their speculations on their relationship may be true.

"But Miss Miller… your health…"

The heelers are still concerned about Katrina's health.

If something happens to Katrina's health because they didn't get a doctor in time, they can't get away with it if Mr. Wilson asks.

"If you don't trust me, send me to the nearest hospital and ask the doctor to check it out, so you can do your duty," Katrina says.

Katrina's pure and innocent eyes, coupled with her soft voice, renders few men capable of refusing her cruelly.

Her inadvertent look puts the shy heeler in a trance, on the verge of being seduced.

By this time, his distracted mind is filled with her pretty face and innocent eyes.

The other man is a little more determined and nods, "Yes, it's not convenient for Mr. Wilson to know right now."

If it's really not as serious as she says it is, Mr. Wilson would've worried needlessly if Mr. Wilson were to find out.

He adds, "I have a cousin who's a doctor in the hospital. MissMiller, you're not well. We won't bother you by taking you to the hospital. I'll call him and have him come over. Rest assured that we won't tell Mr. Wilsonabout today if there's nothing wrong with your health."

Not now, at least.

Katrina is stunned to hear the heeler's words.

Her aim is to have them take her to the hospital, where she would try to escape.

But now, they're going to have another doctor come over and diagnose her?

What's the difference between that and inviting Dr. William over?

Taken aback, Katrina quickly says, "Well, that's not good. We'd better not bother your cousin. Let's go to the hospital ourselves."

"Miss Miller, you can rest assured that I have a good relationship with my cousin, and he won't mind."

He thinks that Katrina doesn't want to bother his family, the heeler reassures her and doesn't hesitate to call his cousin to come over.

Katrina doesn't dare protest too much. If she shows how much she wants to go to the hospital, she'll get exposed, and future plans of escape won't be possible.

Unexpectedly, her carefully designed plan reaches an obstacle.

At first, everything goes as expected.

It never occurred to her that Aaron's heeler would have a cousin that's a doctor.

How inconvenient!

Despite her depression, Katrina couldn't show it.

Earlier, she looked ill as she grasped the healer's hand tightly and refused to let go. Now, she immediately calms down and loosens her grip.

She can even get up on her own.

After a short rest, she recovers and doesn't feel as dizzy.