Chapter 41: Her Obvious Lies

The hospital where the heeler's cousin works isn't far from Aaron's villa.

Not long after, a man in a white coat drives up to the villa to check on Katrina.

He takes the stethoscope and examines Katrina's eyes and tongue. Finally, he concludes, "She's fine. If her blood sugar is low and she feels dizzy, she'll get better with a piece of chocolate."

At the news that Katrina is fine, the two men become visibly relieved and send the doctor out the door.

It's as if nothing happened, and no one except the three of them knows that Katrina almost fainted.

To avoid worrying, Aaron, they made a pact not to let him know.

It isn't long before Randy returns with all kinds of desserts.

Putting on a happy face, Katrina takes Randy's treats gratefully.

But deep down, Katrina is unspeakably depressed.

It seems she has to find other ways to get out of here as soon as possible.

On a private plane, Aaron is half slumped on a soft sofa with his legs crossed. He elegantly swirls the glass of La Romanee-Conti in his hand.

Someone comes in and says, "Mr. Wilson, we'll arrive in Australia in an hour."

"I see."

After the man leaves, Aaron opens the laptop on the table.

Without Katrina, he tossed and turned last night and had another sleepless night.

If not for her poor health, he would've liked to bring her wherever he goes.

As the saying goes, missing someone for one day feels as long as three autumns.

Aaron suddenly wants to see what she's doing. Is she having breakfast at the dining table? Or is sitting in her chair, dozing in the sun?

He taps the enter button to bring up the monitor screen in the villa.

She's not in the bedroom. Or the dining room. Or the living room.

When Aaron adjusts the view to the courtyard, he sees her in a beautiful dress squatting among the flowers. She looks beautiful and lovely.

No wonder people like to compare girls to flowers.

Her beauty surpasses all the flowers in the field.

Seeing such a beautiful scene, Aaron smiles as he takes a sip of wine.

Just then, Katrina stands up.

Aaron's heart clenches when he sees her frown, holding her head in her hands as her body trembles.

If not for his absence, he would've been the first to rush in and hold her.

What's wrong with her?

Earlier, she's as bright as sunshine. Why did she suddenly faint?

Aaron's dark eyes are fixed on the screen. He finds himself unable to look away.

He's worried about her.

Fortunately, his heelers come in time to help her and immediately intends to call Dr. William.

But when he sees her soft hand clawing at the heeler's hand, his mood immediately darkens.

The sight of her big and beautiful eyes staring pitifully at the two men makes him want to flip the table angrily.

A burst of acid bubbles in his heart, almost suffocating him.

This stupid woman!

Katrina went too far!

While he's away, she dares to seduce his men and give them flirtatious looks!

Spectators see the game better than the players.

It's obvious that her dizzy spell and fall are a ruse!

She's trying to charm his men and persuade them to take her to the hospital, where she could escape.

With her recent good behavior, he thought she's given up the idea of escaping.

Unexpectedly, less than a day after his departure, she attempts it again.

This stupid woman!

She's really going to make him explode!

These days, despite the urge to have her as he held her in his arms at night, he had scruples for her feelings and told himself not to force her. He endured his straining desire and took a cold shower every time.

He wronged himself and didn't force her.

But on the other hand, she…

Is he not supposed to be considerate of her, after all?

Initially, in a good mood, Aaron suddenly becomes furious, and his face turns unspeakably gloomy.

No wonder she refused to go with him yesterday.

Is she not feeling well?

An obvious lie!

Her goal is to escape during his absence.

Aaron stares at the screen darkly as he finishes the wine.

Just then, his heeler comes in to report, "Mr. Wilson, it's going to land in half an hour."

Aaron throws the goblet on the table and grits his teeth. "Turn around!"

The heeler is stunned to hear Aaron's order. He thinks he misheard. "Go back?"

After a whole night of flying, they're finally near their destination. Why does he suddenly want to go back?

If they go back now, wouldn't the whole trip be in vain?

When he came in half an hour ago, Mr. Wilson looked relaxed.

Why is he suddenly so angry half an hour later? What happened?

Aaron's dark eyes narrow at the blank look on the heeler's face. "Didn't you hear me?" he asks.

Frightened, the heeler hurriedly goes out. "Yes! Yes! I'll do it at once!"

Then he runs to the pilot's cabin and tells him to turn around.

Whatever Mr. Wilson's reasons are for giving up the trip that only takes half an hour more of flying, his words are final, and they have to obey unconditionally.

Mr. Wilson's face is suddenly so severe that the air pressure on the plane seems to decrease a lot.

Everyone's a little nervous, afraid of accidentally offending him.

Now, there's a fire burning in Aaron's heart.

His eyes are fixed on Katrina on the screen, his fists clenching tightly.

Damned woman!

How dare she seduces his men behind his back!

Aaron has never been treated like this in his entire life.

When he goes back to deal with her, he'll keep her in bed!

The audacity of this unscrupulous woman!

She won't know her place if he doesn't teach her!

Before he knew it, Aaron had made Katrina his property. He won't allow anyone else to covet her.

The two men whom she held and winked at…

If he hadn't seen their innocence and their passivity, he would've cut off their hands and gouged out their eyes!

In the villa, Katrina is eating dessert casually when she sneezes twice.

She wrinkles her nose uncomfortably. Did she catch a cold?