Chapter 43: Don’t Get Me Wrong

When Aaron takes off his clothes without other words, Katrina is in complete distress.

She blushes and refuses desperately, "I don't… I'm not trying to seduce you! Aaron, don't get me wrong! I didn't mean it like that!"

She just wanted to prove her innocence. How did she end up digging herself a hole and burying herself?

God, it's more difficult to explain!

Aaron doesn't care.

He came back to get even with her anyway.

After Katrina took a shower, her skin was soft and sweet. He won't let her off this time.

Aaron ignores Katrina's arguments and pushes her underneath him.

Katrina was startled when the strong masculine scent overwhelms her. She can feel his body temperature rising.

Is Aaron serious?

At that moment, Katrina is terrified. She pushes him desperately, "Aaron, let me go! You said you wouldn't touch me, and you can't break your promise!"

Aaron grunts, "That's when you didn't make me angry."

She almost consumes him. She won't know who's in charge if he doesn't punish her.

Aaron is a strong man, and Katrina can't push him away when he presses on her.

He buries his head in her neck and breathes in her body's light fragrance. Unscrupulously licking her skin, he wants to take a bite.

When she feels a tingle on her neck, Katrina's face fills with panic.

If Aaron wants to force himself on her, she couldn't fight him even if there were ten of her. She'll have to do something else to stop him.

"Aaron, stop. I still have my period. You're not thinking straight."

Oh, the period again?

He's never taken care of a girl during her menstrual period before, but after looking into it, he knows that her period has already passed.

Aaron ignores her excuse and grunts, "I don't mind a bloody fight."

What bloody fight!

Katrina is so desperate that she wants to swear.

Aaron is a bastard! A rascal!

With his recent kindness and his consideration in taking care of her, she didn't expect... Her views about him have changed, but…

Once again, he forces her against her will.

What a self-righteous jerk!

"Aaron, let me go! You can't do this to me! Let me go!"

Katrina struggles desperately to resist Aaron.

But under his control, her struggles are useless. He easily holds her legs and arms in place.

He says in a deep voice, "I advise you to save your energy and get down to business."

Pinned down, Katrina shoots him a resentful look.

"Aaron, you bastard…"

Before she could finish, he kisses her lips and silences her voice in her throat.

Like a fish on a chopping block, Katrina is running out of energy.

Why is she getting hotter and softer?

A ripping sound echoes in the room, and with a wave of his hand, Aaron easily takes off Katrina's obstructive clothes, revealing her beautiful figure.

Aaron's eyes are as heavy as his throat tightens. He reaches behind her to take off her bra.

With the previous experience of changing her clothes for her, Aaron is more skillful in removing her bra this time.

When the bra loosens, a wad of cash suddenly spills out.

Aaron begins to laugh at the sight of the bed full of cash.

Katrina, you clever girl!

No wonder he thought her breasts are a little bigger than they used to be. He thought she was just being fed better, but actually…

She was hiding money in her bra.

The bra was designed to take the padding out easily, and Katrina used it as a secret pocket…

He never gave her money. Where did she get so much cash?

At this point, Aaron would be stupid if he didn't understand Katrina.

This damned woman!

She hid away the money in secret. It becomes more evident that she wants to run away.

Aaron's anger, which was diverted by his desire, immediately flares up again.

He proceeds to take off the rest of her clothes.

She's completely pissed him off this time!

Katrina's resistance becomes stronger when things start to escalate. Frightened and broken, tears spill out of her eyes. She chokes, "Aaron, please, let me go."

Aaron's actions, even the touch on her skin, reminds her of the incident from four years ago.

Four years ago, a stranger forcibly took away her innocence in the dark.

It was permanently scarred in her memory.

With Aaron doing this to her now, how could she not be afraid? How could she not remember the past?

Katrina trembles and starts crying uncontrollably.

Aaron didn't expect her to be so repulsed and frightened by this.

It's normal for a girl to be afraid during her first time.

Aaron finally relents, holding her in his arms to soothe her." Sweetie, relax, I won't hurt you."

He's in a situation where he'll break his vow if he doesn't control himself.

In a daze…

Eventually, he enters her.

When the pain comes, Katrina wants to push Aaron away.

On the other hand, Aaron becomes a little crazy.

The movements last for the whole night. Heavy pants fill the whole room.

Katrina doesn't even know when she fell asleep.

All she knows is that before she passed out, she was gritting her teeth and cursing Aaron in her heart.

He promised he wouldn't hurt her.

This treacherous man!

She will never believe him again!

Late at night, Aaron hugs Katrina tightly and holds her in his arms.

The girl's sweetness calms his anger for a while. He just wants to hold her.

It turns out that she's more beautiful than he thought.

The overwhelming feeling engulfs him.

He never had any feelings for women before. But after meeting her, it seems that she deeply attracts him.

If he wasn't mistaken, it seems this wasn't her first time.

Had she had other men before?

When Aaron realizes this, a surge of jealousy and something unspeakable fills him.

He wasn't her first!

He's not the only man she's had!

Who was the previous man?

Was it the memory of the previous man that made her so afraid?

Although these thoughts pierce Aaron's heart like a thorn, he needs to find out the truth.

Aaron immediately picks up the phone to make a call. "Investigate Katrina for me!"

He needs to know the identity of the man who came before him.

He's nearly mad with jealousy. But he can't blame this on Katrina. It's not her fault that he didn't meet her earlier.

If he finds out who is motherfucker took advantage of her, he won't let him go easily and will get even with him!