Chapter 44: He Has Her Back into His Arms

When Aaron wakes up the next morning, Katrina is still sleeping.

Aaron's heart softens a little as he watches the beautiful sleeping woman in his arms.

She has finally become his woman.

Just then, the telephone rings.

"Hello." Aaron turns his head slightly sideways and picks up the phone, deliberately lowering his voice to avoid waking up Katrina.

On the other end of the phone comes the respectful voice of his subordinate, "Mr. Wilson, we have gathered all the information you want."

"Wait in the study. I'll be right there." He hangs up after the brief command.

Aaron glances back at Katrina, who shows no sign of waking up.

In the study, the heeler handed Aaron the documents. "Mr. Wilson, here's all the information you need."

Aaron takes the two pages of thin paper and reads through them carefully.

Besides her bumpy life experience, Katrina's history is clean and straightforward.

She grew up in a single-parent family. At the age of 8, her father died, and she was sent to an orphanage. Later, she was adopted by a man named Carl Anderson.

The document includes all the information from her growing environment, schooling, and work experience.

When he sees Katrina's college experience, Aaron frowns. Apparently, she transferred from medical school to police school. "Did she used to study medicine?"

The heeler nodded. "Yes. She was in the Abbe Medical University for a year. But for some unaccountable reason, she suddenly transferred to the police academy. She used to be an intern in a hospital."

"Which hospital?"

"The Warm Hospital."

Aaron's eyes suddenly deepen in understanding.

Abbe City.

The Warm Hospital.

Late at night and a young nurse and the myriad pieces of information emerges, reminding him of the woman from four years ago.

Katrina was the nurse from that incident. She was the nurse who spent three nights with him…

It's her!

No wonder he got a sense of déjà vu when he first saw her and smelled her fragrance. No wonder he was so enamored by her and her body. It turns out that she's the woman he often dreams about, the first significant woman in his life.

Now, it doesn't seem surprising that she can relieve his insomnia instantly. Because she was the one who acted as his antidote when he was suffering from drugs at that time, his body instinctively remembers her.

"Has she ever had a boyfriend?"

The heeler shakes his head. "No. According to the investigation, she hasn't had a love life, but she knows how to treasure herself. Several people are pursuing her, though."

The experience from four years ago was the first time she slept with someone. Aaron remembers feeling the layer of obstruction and the purity of her body.

The man he was jealous of was actually himself.

It turns out that he's her first and only lover. But without knowing it, he misunderstood and thought that she had an affair with someone else. He should've had her investigated earlier.

Aaron is shocked.

Thinking of Katrina's fear and resistance yesterday, Aaron feels an unspeakable pain in his heart.

Four years ago, the situation was urgent. He had no option but to force her. It must've caused her much hurt at the time, and that's why she was fully resistant last time.

When the truth comes out, and everything is reasonably explained, Aaron only wants to keep her with him more than ever.

It took four years, but she still found his way back to him. They've come full circle.

Now that he has her back…

No matter what, he won't let her go this time.

It's late in the morning when Katrina wakes up.

The sun shone through the French windows into the room.

On the big soft bed, Katrina opens her eyes, with slightly furrowed brows.

As she moves slightly, she feels an unusual pain. It's as if her whole body was crushed by a large truck.

Katrina can't help groaning. It takes a lot of effort to get out of bed.

Aaron, you bastard!

She grits her teeth in anger as she remembers what he did to her last night.

Turning around, she sees the culprit in smart clothes, sitting on the sofa next to her. He's smiling at her with his dark eyes, holding a glass of red wine in his slender fingers.

This sanctimonious bastard!

At Aaron's sight, Katrina is furious.

Despite hurting her so much, this bastard looks happy and relaxed! Her pain clearly gives him happiness. What a psychotic lunatic!

Katrina glares at Aaron with extreme resentment, almost bursting into flames.

Aaron asks elegantly, "Awake?"

Still satisfied and in a good mood, Aaron ignores her obvious contempt.

Katrina snorts coldly and turns away from him. She obviously doesn't want to talk to him.

Aaron finds Katrina's embarrassment and anger really cute. She resembles a little kid who's easily angered.

She is enduring physical discomfort. Katrina gets out of bed, and moves to take a shower in the bathroom. But just as she lands on her toes, she wobbles and nearly falls to the ground. She's so weak that she can't even support herself.

Aaron moves quickly and rushes over to her, catching Katrina in a warm and solid embrace. He derides in her ears, "Your legs are weak."

His voice is low and flirtatious.

Last night, Katrina lost consciousness before he reached his climax. Although he wanted more, he relented for the sake of her body. It turns out that she's still weak from the night before. Seeing her trembling, he's surprised to find her unexpectedly cute.

Hearing the flirtation in Aaron's voice, Katrina's face instantly turns red.

It's humiliating that she almost fell down when she got out of bed. Unexpectedly, this bastard is making fun of her flagrantly! If not for him, she wouldn't be so weak!

By this time, Katrina has worked herself up into a fit of rage. The sight of Aaron makes her see red. She bites her lip and pushes Aaron away. "Go away! It's none of your business!"

The stubborn and resentful expression on Katrina's blushing face makes her look like a fierce-looking kitten.

Aaron strokes her hair and whispers, "Are you sure that you can make it on your own like this?"


In the face of his teasing, Katrina can not resist cursing him.

She grabs his hand and bites it severely, leaving two rows of teeth marks in retaliation.

Katrina wants him to feel the pain she suffered.

This is all his fault, and yet he has the audacity to behave like a hoodlum and speak so casually!