Chapter 45: What A Glib Kitten

Feeling a sharp pain, Aaron lets her go. It's really her consistent reaction to bite someone when she's angry. He doesn't get angry when he sees the two neat rows of teeth marks on his hand.

What a glib kitten! She deliberately bit him again.

Before he can investigate her stashing of cash in secret, she becomes at odds with him. But right now, he doesn't feel angry with her at all.

He feels something special for her.

The unprecedented and enjoyable experience from last night has left him addicted.

Besides, he just discovered that she was the girl from four years ago. He doesn't have the heart to be angry with her.

Katrina takes the opportunity to escape from Aaron's grasp. On trembling slender white legs, she supports herself on the wall and makes her way to the bathroom.

Aaron involuntarily smiles as he watches the slim beautiful figure.

He heard that women should be coaxed and doted on. For his future happiness, it seems that he has to be much kinder to her to try and make her accept him.

After all, she's the only woman he wants.

The man in her life can only be him.

When Katrina comes out of the bathroom, Aaron has already left the room.

Lying in bed, Katrina stares at the ceiling in despair.

It's depressing enough to be kept in captivity and lose her freedom. Then unexpectedly, Aaron forces himself on her.

What on earth does he take her for? Did he really lose something that he has to put the blame on her? But even so, he can't go so far as to behave so frivolously.

Unless he really does merely regard her as a plaything in captivity, existing for his own amusement. When he loses interest one day, he'll just kick her away.

Katrina can't figure out Aaron.

With his status and position, he can have any woman. A few days ago, the mayor's daughter Miss Roberts visited him in person.

Why does he keep pestering her? What's his purpose for doing this?

Not understanding Aaron's heart depresses Katrina, the more she thinks about it. Her eyes unconsciously fill with tears.

Just then, Aaron pushes the door and enters with a bowl of porridge in his hand. "Get up and have something to eat."

Because of what happened last night, Katrina doesn't want to talk to Aaron at all.

She turns around and says in a muffled voice, "I'm not hungry."

Not hungry? She's angry with him and is in another fit of pique!

Every time she's angry with him, she refuses to eat. He wonders if she's punishing him or herself.

Aaron knows why Katrina is angry.

Last night, He got a bit out of control and made love to her. He went too far.

Since he experienced pleasure with Katrina last night, he always wants to enjoy such things. He knows that he would never get tired of it. If not for the fact that she's not feeling well and is in a bad mood, he would have an urge to do it with her again in the morning.

In the future, this will be something that they would do regularly, so Katrina should adapt to as early as possible.

Aaron speaks as softly as he can. "Come on, stop that now. I didn't mean to do it last night."

Katrina puts the pillow over her face. She obviously doesn't believe him.

Not intentional? Only the devil would believe that! Obviously, he's been plotting it for a long time!

Aaron keeps climbing onto her bed and sleeping with her every night. He's evidently thought about this before. She had felt his body's reaction, but she never expected him actually to do this to her.

Katrina had already lost her virginity in a bad experience in the past. But as a woman, she still wants to give herself to someone she loves, not have someone despoil her the way Aaron did.

She's immensely depressed about what happened. Her heart is full of resentment against him.

At the sight of Katrina covering her face and refusing to talk to him, Aaron has no choice but to play his trump card again. "Katrina, you know I have a way to deal with you. Are you sure that you want me to feed you the porridge myself?"

Aaron's tone isn't harsh, but the threat is undeniable.

Katrina definitely knows what he means. He always feeds her whenever she refuses to eat.

This jerk has no sense of repentance at all!

And he has the audacity to treat her this way!

At that moment, Katrina is furious and angry. She turns to Aaron and chokes through her sobs, "Aaron, what the hell do you take me for?"

Katrina has dignity! She has her own emotions!

Why did he have to imprison her here? How could he kiss and hug her whenever he wants to, or make love to her when he's unhappy?

As a girl, she despises it. Between lovers, any form of physical contact should be consensual. They're not lovers, at all!

At the sight of the tears in Katrina's red eyes and her choking voice, Aaron feels a sudden tug in his heart and some unspeakable pain.

What does he take her for?

Of course, he regards her as an important woman in his life. If she were any other woman, he wouldn't even look at her twice.

But she's Katrina Miller.

Being a stubborn man, he wants to keep her around and never let her go.

Aaron has never fallen in love in his 28 years of living, and courting a girl is something unfamiliar to him. He can't even speak sweet words like "I like you" or "I love you."

But he knows exactly how important Katrina is to him.

To him, Katrina is unique.

Aaron puts the porridge down and gently wipes the tears off her cheeks with his fingers. His dark eyes are fixed on her. In a deep and serious voice, he says, "Katrina, since you want to know why I won't let you go, I'll tell you why.

"Once, I was plotted against by my competitor. They drugged me, and it damaged my nerves so badly that I lost the ability to sleep at night. I tried all kinds of sleeping pills, but nothing worked.

"For several years, I've hardly ever gotten a full night's sleep. I used to keep my eyes open until dawn every day. Despite being extremely tired, I couldn't fall asleep at all. It was too painful."

In Aaron's words, Katrina is full of inconceivable shock.

Does he have a serious insomnia problem that keeps him from sleeping at night?

How come she never noticed?

Doesn't he fall asleep almost instantly every time he stays with her? She never sees him suffer from insomnia.

Besides, what does his insomnia have to do with her?