Chapter 46: Be My Woman

While Katrina is at a loss, Aaron says, "when I met you, I realized that you relieve my insomnia. Every time I hold you, my nerves gradually relax, and I fall asleep quickly. Katrina, do you understand now why I don't want to let you go?"

Katrina is shocked to hear about Aaron's insomnia.

But when she thinks about it carefully, she inevitably sees the clues. She just didn't notice them before.

Back when she first came to the villa, Randy would take medicine to Aaron every night and ask him to take it.

Even on the day that Randy needed to return to his hometown unexpectedly, he still remembered to remind Aaron to take his medicine.

When she first saw Aaron, she always noticed faint gloom under his eyes. He looked very stern and dangerous. At that time, he could've also had chronic insomnia.

No wonder he falls asleep instantly every time he holds her in his arms. It's because he can't sleep well every day.

Now, it seems that his complexion and mental state had improved a lot compared to when she first met him. With these details and comparisons, Katrina has no reason not to believe Aaron.

Katrina takes a deep breath. "So, you kept me here to sleep in my bed every night, just so you can fall asleep?"

Aaron nods. "Yes."

Katrina hits him with a pillow. "Asshole! Even if that's the case, you don't have to be so frivolous!"

His intention can't be as simple as getting some sleep!

Aaron gets fresh with her by kissing and touching her. He always behaves like a hoodlum towards her. Does he want to utilize her sympathy to cover up his crimes? It is not going to happen!

After all, she remembers everything he did to her!

Grabbing the pillow that Katrina has thrown, Aaron holds her soft hand and looks at her sincerely. "My body is drawn to you."

At first, he found her aroma very familiar and good.

It's true that he was initially reluctant to let her go because he discovered that she could magically alleviate his insomnia.

But his affections for her are no longer that simple.

Yes, his body is the most honest.

Despite having many beautiful, slim, and sexy women seduce him, he remained unmoved and only felt extremely irritable.

But when he's with her, even an inadvertent touch will fill him with energy. His body not only desires her but is also dependent on her.

Of course, from a deeper point of view, he also sees her as the most beautiful and lovely woman in the world.

Katrina is completely unaware of the reaction of Aaron's body when she touches something hot. Feeling the change in her hand and realizing what's happening, Katrina screams in horror and shakes off Aarons's hand.

Her small face is red with shame, anger, and anxiety as she scolds him in defiance for his actions. "Aaron, you rascal!"

This jerk!

To her shock, he made her touch his…

Can he get any more shameless?

She's too ashamed to face anyone. She may as well starve herself to death!

Is he trying to express that he's good at it? Or to prove that his attraction to her and show that he finds her very charming? No matter what the reason is, she doesn't want to hear it!

Aaron doesn't dare tell Katrina what happened four years ago. He knows that the incident must've brought great damage and hurt to Katrina. If she finds out that he was the man who took away her innocence four years ago, she would hate him even more.

Aaron fixes Katrina, a firm stare. "Katrina, be my woman!"

The definite and imposing tone conforms to Aaron's consistent character.

Katrina is stunned to hear his confession.

Be his woman? Why should she be his woman? Because his body is drawn to her, and she can relieve his insomnia What does being his woman entail?

Is she being kept in his house without freedom, receiving a variety of expensive clothes and jewelry every day, dressing up beautifully, like a canary in a cage?

If so, she doesn't even need to think about it. She will never do as he desires.

Even if he doesn't let her go and will keep her locked up, sooner or later, she'll get her chance to escape. Unless he locks her feet, he will never be able to keep her heart from desiring freedom!

Katrina immediately refuses Aaron. "I don't want to!"

To Aaron's surprise, Katrina refuses him resolutely. He frowns. "Why!"

Aaron has always been very lofty and has never been rejected so mercilessly. Usually, women leer at him and throw themselves all over him. But he never pays them any attention.

Today, the first time he asks a woman to be his, he gets such a harsh refusal.

How could Aaron accept it so easily?

Aaron forces himself to stare into Katrina's eyes and slowly says, "I'm more handsome and wealthier than 99% of the men in the world. If you stay with me, I will give you the best things that life has to offer and make you the happiest woman in the world. Katrina, why don't you want to be my woman?"

Katrina fearlessly looks straight into his eyes. "Aaron, no matter how handsome or how rich you are, even if 99% of the women in the world are willing to be your woman, I'm the other 1%."

She can't deny that he's nearly the most handsome man she has ever seen. He is also very rich; dozens of Anderson families may not even be able to match his wealth.

But what Katrina needs is a dignified and grand love.

She won't compromise with a man for vanity or money. She won't be his woman and please him against her will. What's the difference between that and being kept as a mistress?

Aaron is furious at Katrina's refusal.

This ungrateful woman!

It's Aaron's first time in his life to express his feelings to a woman on his own initiative. But she turns him down so ungratefully!

Aaron is seething with rage.