Chapter 48: Sleeping With Him

Katrina ignores Aaron all day.

Instead of lingering around her, Aaron gives her enough time and space to think things over.

Besides, whether she agrees to be his woman or not, the final result will be the same.

For several days, Aaron seems to disappear into thin air. He never returns to his villa or contacts Katrina in any way.

Every day, Randy takes care of her meals. The guards in the villa seem to be much more stringent than before. Katrina has no choice but to stay in the villa at all times. She nearly goes crazy from the boredom.

It's the first time that Aaron has been away from the villa for so long. Although Katrina is curious about where he's gone, she refuses to ask anything about him.

Katrina thinks it's great that he hasn't come back. She hopes never to see him again.

A few days later, Aaron returns to the villa at night.

God knows how fast he finished everything in Australia. He's been so busy these days that he's hardly had any rest. As soon as he finishes his work, he hurries to take a nonstop flight back home.

The day he returns is the fourth day he's been gone.

When he arrives home, Aaron takes a bath before going straight to Katrina's room.

Under the thin moonlight, she looks lovely as she sleeps soundly.

Aaron lifts the blanket and gets in bed next to her, holding her soft body in his arms. A familiar scent stream into his nose, making him feel pleasant and wonderful.

After a few days without rest, his eyes are extremely dry.

He finally gets to see her and hold her in his arms again. Although he misses her body a lot, he doesn't want to disturb her deep sleep…

It's enough just to hold her.

Aaron bows his head to kiss Katrina, before closing his eyes in content.

When the first ray of sunshine comes into the room the next morning, Katrina's fingers move as she wakes up lazily. She stretches as she usually does, only to find her fingers poking something strong and warm.

Katrina was stunned. Opening her eyes and slowly looking sideways, she finds an extremely handsome sleeping face next to her. Her hands are on his chest, and his arms wrapped around her waist.


Katrina startles and springs out of his arms.


Why is he in her bed again? When did he come back? Why wasn't she aware of his return?

At Katrina's scream, Aaron frowns with his eyes closed. He pulls her back unhappily and gathers her in his arms.

"Shut up! Don't make so much noise!"

He's finally gotten some sleep, but Katrina is so noisy. Doesn't she know that disturbing his sleep annoys him the most? If she were someone else, he would've thought of shooting her with a gun.

In Aaron's arms, Katrina stiffens as her mind is in a mess.

She's naked under her thin nightdress!

While Aaron was away these past few days, she dared to take off her bra before going to sleep. No woman wants to wear it every day, it's uncomfortable and restricting. But on the first day she takes it off, he unexpectedly comes back.

With him embracing her tightly in his arms, her body is pressed tightly against him. She can even feel the heat from his chest distinctly.

Katrina's pretty face turns red instantly. She quickly struggles out his grasp. "Aaron, let me go!"

Aaron rests his chin on her shoulder and doesn't budge. He says in a low voice, "I haven't slept for four days, Katrina. Be quiet and don't make any noise."

His voice is slightly hoarse, and she can hear the drowsiness from it.

But physical intimacy is the most important thing for Katrina. She can't stand being so close to a man. She continues to struggle. "Aaron, let go! Let me go!"

Katrina persistently fights and makes noise, pushing and beating him with her fist.

Unable to stand it anymore, Aaron finally opens his eyes. His dangerous black eyes bore into Katrina. "Katrina, do you want me to do something to make you shut up? Even though I'm very sleepy now, I promise I'll satisfy you."

Katrina stares into Aaron's eyes and hears his deep and serious voice. She can already feel the changes in his body. Shuddering, she becomes nervous and cautious.

His body…

She only struggled for a while, but unexpectedly, his body is already reacting.

Although Katrina was ashamed and angry, she doesn't dare irritate him in fear of what he would do to her. She controls her emotions and finally compromises, "Aaron, can you not hold me so tightly?"

Aaron hasn't slept for several days and can only fall asleep with her in his arms. She considers his needs for the time being.

But there's no need for him to hold her so tightly.


With that, Aaron embraces her once again.

Katrina wants to escape, but Aaron doesn't want to let her go. Without her presence, he worries a lot and always feels a sense of loss. It seems he only feels reassured of her existence when he's holding her.

In a flash, the man beside Katrina falls asleep again.

Hearing his steady breathing, Katrina feels helpless but is unable to do anything.

Katrina doesn't dare resist him because she doesn't want him to wake up again if she does. She's afraid that he would do the same thing to her as he did last time…

Choking back the distress and discomfort in her heart, she consoles herself to be strong.

When Katrina chose to study medicine in the beginning, it's due to her desire to heal the wounded and save the dying.

Although she has long decided not to go down this path anymore, Katrina has never abandoned the idea of helping others. She's always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in trouble.

For the moment, she thinks of Aaron as an insomniac, and herself as a doctor who can cure him of his insomnia.

Katrina slowly relaxes after she's certain that Aaron is temporarily harmless while he's asleep.

Maybe the drowsiness is contagious.

Or perhaps it's boring to be forced to stay still in bed.

Soon, Katrina closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Aaron's tall figure holds her petite body tightly in his arms, creating a warm and beautiful scene.