Chapter 49: The Dog Return

In her sleep, Katrina feels a tickle on her nose.

Opening her eyes in a daze, she sees a handsome man looking at her in the bed.

Deep and charming facial features, high rising nose, thin lips, clear and stereoscopic lineament…

He looks so handsome, and it's as if he came out of a comic book.

Who is he?

Was he sent by God to save her?

Katrina stares blankly at the man in front of her, unconsciously displaying a beautiful smile.

Aaron is in a trance at the sight of Katrina's smile.

Katrina seldom smiles in front of him and never so beautifully. With him, she always seems ashamed, angry, and indignant.

To be honest, Aaron is a little fascinated by her smile. Her beauty is unassuming, but comfortable. Her smile is infectious and makes people feel happy.


Thinking how antagonistic she's been towards him, how could she smile so happily at him?

This stupid woman!

Her eyes are misty. Who on earth is she seeing that it makes her so happy?

At that moment, Aaron is a little upset. He taps Katrina on the forehead. "Katrina, who are you thinking of?"

Katrina startles awake when she feels the pain on her forehead. Covering her forehead, she focuses her eyes slowly and realizes that the man in front of her is Aaron.

It's Aaron, the jerk!

Just now, she actually thought that he was very handsome and angelic.

This damn devil! He's the big bad wolf!

Katrina can't help but curse the blindness of her heart. The expression on her face changes from happiness to bitterness.

Aaron begins to harass her by tugging on her hair. Has he already recovered his energy? That means she can finally leave. Massaging her forehead, Katrina gets out of bed. She goes to the bathroom to wash her face.

Looking at her retreating back, Aaron despairs for her in his mind.

Is this woman a pig? She sleeps too much.

When he woke up, Katrina was still asleep. She went to bed so early yesterday, but she still fell asleep again this morning. It seems that keeping her at home all day makes her become a lovelier creature.

But complaints are only complaints. Even Aaron himself doesn't realize how doting his eyes are when he looks at her.

Just as Katrina walks out of the room that morning, Randy comes in with excitement. "Mr. Wilson, Beta is back!"

The bark Katrina hears is the only warning she gets when a large black dog rushes into the living room enthusiastically. Seeing the dog suddenly popping out in front of her, she instantly freezes. Her legs are rooted to the floor, and she can't move a step.

Since Katrina was young, she's always been scared of dogs. Even a tiny pet dog can make her nervous, not to mention the big black dog looming over her.

Katrina heard a long time ago that Aaron has a pet dog that's undergoing rehabilitative treatment abroad for medical reasons. But she doesn't expect the dog to come back so soon. And as soon as he enters the house, he's face to face with her.

Obviously, the dog notices Katrina, a strange woman in the villa.

Meeting for the first time, Katrina and the dog staring at each other. Suddenly, the dog runs towards her.

Katrina becomes even more scared when she sees the beast pouncing towards her. Fortunately, Aaron's living room is large enough to give her enough time to respond.

Realizing that danger is approaching, Katrina screams and runs as fast as she can. "Don't come over! Ah! Help!"

As soon as Katrina turns around, she sees Aaron coming out of the room. She has no choice but to rush directly into Aaron's arms without a second thought.

Her hands clasp tightly around his neck, and her head burrows in his chest. She's practically hanging on him.

"Aaron! Help! Save me! Don't let it come over!"

Katrina's voice is urgent, on the verge of sobbing. She's obviously really scared.

She's so frightened by his dog that she throws herself into his arms regardless of her image. She wants to hang her whole body on him. He can even feel the softness of her chest.

At that moment, Aaron can't help smiling.

Since she comes to him voluntarily, he has no reason to push her away. Holding her in his arms, he gently strokes her back. "Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Hiding in Aaron's arms, Katrina doesn't even dare to look at the dog.

After a long time of not feeling the dog bite her or hearing his bark, Katrina shudders and asks, "Has he left?"

"No, he's at your feet, looking at you."


As if on cue, the dog barks to make his presence known.

Upon hearing the sound, Katrina jerks and buries herself further in Aaron's arms, "Aaron, I'm afraid. Make him go away. Please. Make him leave."

Her voice is trembling, and her hands are shaking on his neck. Her small face is white with fear, and her slender, white legs are desperately entangled around his waist in an effort to stay away from the dog.

Katrina's embrace makes Aaron feel good. For the first time since they met, she actively initiates contact with him.

Unexpectedly, it's because of his pet dog.

Aaron puts one hand around Katrina's waist and his other hand around her buttocks. With a relaxed smile on his face, he says reassuringly, "Beta is intelligent; he won't bite you. Do you want to touch him?"

Hearing Aaron's words, Katrina shakes her head wildly. "No!"

She doesn't even have the courage to look at him, let alone touch him. Aaron doesn't understand her fear. Even if he kills her, she can't do it!

Katrina's voice chokes, "Aaron, please, take me back."

This is Aaron's villa. The big black creature is Aaron's beloved dog. Before she arrived, the dog must be accustomed to playing around the villa. She has no reason to make Aaron cast away his dog.

In that case, she can only hope that Aaron will take her back to her room, where she can be safe and out of the dog's reach.

By this time, her legs are weakening, but she doesn't dare leave Aaron. The dog might come to her and cause her trouble. She can only ask him to take her back to her room.

At Katrina's violent shaking and distressed sobs, Aaron finally relents.

There's no need to frighten her so much.

Since she's so afraid of dogs and she can't accept Beta right now, he has to wait until they're more familiar with each other and can meet again.