Chapter 50: His Beloved Dog

With his beloved woman on the one hand, and the beloved dog that he has raised from a puppy on the other…

In the end, Aaron chooses Katrina.

"Randy, take Beta out for now. I'll go out to see him later."

"Yes, sir."

When Randy leads Beta out, Aaron says, "Okay, he's gone."

Katrina lifts her head from his arms and looks back cautiously.

Sure enough, the dog is gone from the living room, and Katrina's heart feels a little relieved.

But she suddenly realizes something is wrong.

Like a koala, she has her arms around Aaron's neck and her legs around Aaron's waist. Her whole body is hanging on him, and his hands are holding her hips.

Katrina feels even more uncomfortable when she feels the warm palm on her rear, and her face turns red instantly.

"Aaron put me down."

Aaron pokes fun at her seriousness. "Oh? I distinctly remember someone jumping into my arms just now."

He wasn't the one who embraced her. It was entirely her decision to jump into his arms. He just caught her naturally.

At Aaron's dawdling, Katrina's face turns a little redder.

"I, I just…"

She didn't mean to!

Her brain completely lost its ability to think, and her only thought was to stay as far away from the dog as possible. She only jumped into Aaron's arms for her own safety. But she forgot that he was as dangerous as a wolf.

Katrina loosens her hold on Aaron's neck and tiptoes to climb down from Aaron.

Aaron can't help but shake his head.

How ungrateful! He just saved her, but she can't wait to get down already.

Finally, letting Katrina go, Aaron strokes her hair. "Stay here for a while."

Then he walks out.

While Katrina sits on the couch and looks through the French windows into the yard, Randy puts a collar on the big dog and secures it to the cage with a leash.

Although a dog is an animal, it's particularly anxious for freedom. She remembers Randy once telling her that Aaron won't shut his dog out unless he does something wrong.

The tied-up dog is filled with doubt and grievances. He whimpers obediently, completely lacking the excitement from earlier.

He doesn't understand. After finally returning home and meeting his master after a long separation, why is his master tying him up instead of playing with him?

Seeing the lonely dog, Katrina also feels a little distressed.

She knows that the dog hasn't done anything wrong, but she's too scared. Although she knows that dogs are a man's best friend, she's still afraid of them. Her legs always weaken at the sight of dogs.

It's all her fault that the dog is tied up. She feels immensely guilty.

Aaron's pet dog is a smart and loyal German shepherd. It has black fur, a large body, high upright ears, and appears domineering. This breed is used by many as police dogs.

As soon as Aaron walks into the yard, the dog begins to get excited again, wagging his tail and eagerly waiting for Aaron to come over.

When Aaron reaches him, the dog immediately stands up and throws himself into Aaron's arms. The dog's head rubs against Aaron. They share an intimate moment.

Stroking his head, Aaron unties the collar around his neck.

Seeing the interaction between Aaron and the dog, Katrina suddenly thinks of the image of Aaron holding her in his arms.

Aaron is very close to the dog.

The dog was only away for a while. When he comes back and finds a biped pouncing on his master, will he have any negative feelings towards her and regard her as a competitor?

Is she now competing with the dog for Aaron's favor?

God! She feels a little depressed at the thought.

The dog rubs against Aaron's arms for a long time.

Aaron asks Randy to fetch Beta's favorite toy ball and plays a game of catch with his pet in the yard.

Seeing the scene of Aaron and his dog together, Katrina discovers for the first time that he has an ordinary side.

Originally, she thought he was sternly cool and unmoved. But he's unexpectedly affectionate with his dog.

Before the dog returned, the villa was practically Katrina's domain. Aaron often goes out for social engagements and business meetings, leaving her alone at home. Every day, she spends time reading books, basking in the sun, or enjoying the flowers in the garden.

As soon as the dog comes back, she acquires a great rival.

Katrina will start behaving cautiously in the villa.

Every time she goes out of the room, she'll crack it open and, like a thief, check if the dog is in the living room. Even if she has her full courage, and she wouldn't dare step out of the room if she sees the animal.

After Katrina takes a shower in the evening, she sees Aaron in her room. Dressed in sleepwear, he's lying leisurely in her bed and reading a book.

Katrina feels upset when she sees him. "Why are you here?"

Aaron replies confidently, "This is my home. I will go wherever I like."

Last night, he climbed into her bed while she was asleep. But tonight, Katrina doesn't want to sleep with him at all. Thinking of her experience that night makes Katrina's scalp go numb.

If he wants to sleep in her room, she'll let him do as he pleases.

Katrina says wryly, "Then I'm going."

Holding the pillow, Katrina opens the door and prepares to leave.

Aaron says, "Beta is out there. Are you sure you want him to accompany you?"

Katrina is stunned.

Sure enough, upon hearing the door open, the dark figure jumps out of its nest and is squatting by the doorway. Beta pokes his tongue out as he watches Katrina.

The moment she sees the dog, Katrina cries out and quickly slams the door, clutching her chest in panic.

Seeing Katrina's reaction, Aaron's handsome face lights up with a smile. He closes the book in his hands. "All right, don't just stand there. Come over and sleep."

Outside, there's a fierce-looking big black dog.

In bed, Aaron is looking expectantly at her with an evil grin.

After weighing her options for a long time, Katrina reluctantly walks towards Aaron.