Chapter 51: You Are The Best Choice

As soon as Katrina gets to the bedside, Aaron grabs her by the arm and pulls her into an embrace.

He turns over and settles Katrina beneath him.

A strong masculine scent engulfs Katrina's face like a whirlwind. She raises her guard and covers her chest protectively. "Aaron, what are you doing?"

Aaron smiles wickedly. "Doing what I want, of course. Considering such a long night..."

Without expecting his blunt and bold response, Katrina turns red. "Aaron, don't act recklessly!"

The last time she tried to escape, he found out and punished her like this. But she hasn't done anything wrong this time, why is he doing this to her?

Aaron leans over Katrina's neck and breathes in her alluring scent. "Katrina, what have you decided with what I told you to reconsider?"

Something for her to reconsider?

Is he talking about when he asked her to be his woman?

Why did he ask her to reconsider when he knew she would never say yes?

Katrina's eyes are filled with sincerity when she looks to Aaron and says, "Aaron, you have better options. Why me?"

Aaron looks at her in the eye. "You are the best choice."

She has proven herself to be the best for him in many aspects.

His body only reacts to her, and she can help him sleep well. No other woman can do this.

It's been several days since he last touched her and tasted ecstasy with her.

Holding her in his arms again, Aaron can feel the air and blood rushing out of his body. His breath gets heavier and heavier.

After Katrina's bath, she's inexplicably sweet and tempting.

Aaron leans over and kisses her, his big hands roaming restlessly under her clothes.

Sensing his body's reaction, Katrina pushes him hard. "Aaron, you said you wouldn't touch me!"

"Did I say that?" Aaron is skeptical, then he adds, "I just said that I'd give you a few days to think about it, and I won't touch you during these days. But I didn't say that I won't touch you anymore."

He won't give up on her, whether she's thought it over or not.

Hearing Aaron's arguments, Katrina turns red again. "Aaron, you're shameless!"

Aaron grins. "Since you said it, should I become more shameless to satisfy you?"

He grabs her arm easily and restricts both her legs.

Under the pressure of his hold, she loses ground again.

In the end, Katrina has no choice but to surrender and not cry.

Taking pleasure in her body, Aaron holds her tightly in his arms and tries to let her adapt to the intrusion gently. "Relax. Take it easy."

The next day, Katrina turns over in a daze.

When she opens her eyes, she feels a deep stare from above her head.

She's holding Aaron like an octopus, with a slender white leg draped over his waist.

Aaron's voice becomes low and dangerous. "Throwing yourself upon me first thing in the morning? I'm actually not satisfied with last night. Shall we resume now?'

Because of her cries last night, he had to let her sleep early and didn't have the heart to bother her for another round.

He was afraid of hurting her like before, and he couldn't bear tormenting her and making her legs become soft and weak. She might reject him even more.

Unexpectedly, she's enthusiastic so early in the morning.

Is she trying to arouse him?

Hearing Aaron's dangerous voice, Katrina quickly extricates her arms and legs from his body. She turns over and tries to pull away.

But Aaron suddenly pulls her back, turning her around. "Where are you going?"

Does she think she can really run away from him right under his nose?

Aaron is a real dynamo.

Katrina had no idea that her unconscious actions would lead him to become a monster in the morning.

To lessen her suffering, Katrina has finally learned to ingratiate herself with him.

Just as Aaron is about to remove her hands, Katrina clamps her legs tightly, her beautiful eyes filled with grievances. "Aaron, please don't. It hurts too much."

It's the first time that Katrina has spoken to him in such a soft voice. Her beautiful eyes look so vulnerable and moving, making people show pity.

Seeing the faint marks on her fair skin and hearing her waxy words, Aaron thinks he hurt her again. He frowns and wants to see where it hurts. "Let me see."

Katrina couldn't possibly show him something so private.

She pushes him even harder. "No!"

Knowing Katrina is feeling shy, Aaron doesn't force her. He holds her in his arms for a while before getting up and putting some clothes on.

Aaron comes back in the evening and drops something that looks like toothpaste on Katrina.

Katrina looks puzzled. "What's this?"

When she sees the words' swelling' on the package, her small face turns red to the tips of her ears.

Aaron, he...

Did he buy her ointment for the wound?

He bought this…

Seeing Katrina's stunning face, Aaron whispers, "I'll help apply it if it's not convenient for you."

Katrina glares at him, gritting her teeth because of his words. "Thanks for your kindness. Don't bother!"

Let him help her?

She's not stupid!

In a flash, it's now the fifth day since Beta came back.

Katrina has grown used to having a dog in the house, but she still isn't comfortable staying with him in the same space. She's terrified of dogs.

Knowing that Katrina is frightened of him, Beta deliberately doesn't bother her.

Each time he tries to greet her with an enthusiastic look on his face, Katrina startles and runs away. Beta has to let out a helpless low howl and stop.

Today, it's raining outside. Since Beta can't play in the yard, he stays in the living room.

Katrina hasn't been out of her room all morning because of this.

Even Aaron brought her breakfast himself.

Katrina can't help but hide away in her room to avoid Beta.

After all, Aaron plans to keep her around for a long time, and his dog Beta also stays at his villa. The two have to try and accept one another.

If Katrina always keeps away from Beta, she will always be afraid of him.

After a second thought, Aaron knocks on the door of Katrina's room.