Chapter 55: A Beautiful Makeover

The next day, Katrina walks out of her room and sees two rows of dresses and many strangers standing in the living room.

She just took a nap. What's going on? She is a bit confused while staring at the busy people in the living room.

"Get her ready," Aaron said.

"Yes, sir."

At Aaron's command, several stylists settle her into the chair and surround her. They fix her hair, put an expensive powder on her face, and even trim her nails perfectly.

Without any exception, all the stylists today are women.

The situation somewhat spooks Katrina.

She can't move with all the hands prodding at her. She says awkwardly, "Aaron, what's happening?"

Sitting on the couch, Aaron quips, "You're attending a dinner party with me tonight."

Katrina realizes that when he said he would take her out, he meant he was going to take her to a dinner party.

She knows what social class Aaron belongs to.

Since he asks so many stylists to fix her up, she assumes the banquet is extravagant. Why does Aaron exert an effort to make her look pretty? She thought silently.

Having had a troubled and humble childhood, Katrina is well aware that such high society parties were not for people of her class.

She isn't the kind of woman who's accustomed to every kind of situation and can handle anything easily.

Katrina feels distressed at the thought of meeting many powerful high-class strangers. She might as well stay at home and continue sleeping.

"Aaron, can I say no?" Katrina asks.

Aaron doesn't even lift his eyes. "No."

An hour later, Katrina is showcased by the stylists.

From her hair to her makeup, the stylists paid attention to every detail of her body, and even her toenails are painted with bright nail polish.

At the moment, Katrina is wearing a white dress, a pair of pointed high heels, and elegant makeup on her face that showcase her unique beauty.

Katrina isn't tall, but she has good body proportions. Her white and slender legs are especially aesthetically pleasing. Because of this, the stylist chose a short dress for her that highlights her assets. She's only 1.6 meters tall, but the dress makes her look taller.

Aaron's eyes fix deeply on Katrina when she's pushed in front of him.

Since the first time he saw her in the villa, Katrina has never worn makeup. Throughout the whole time she's been imprisoned in the villa, she has never thought of wearing makeup.

Wearing a fancy dress and elegant makeup, Katrina is shining under Aaron's gaze. She's beautiful beyond expectation.

Katrina was born beautiful.

Her almond-shaped eyes were framed with a touch of pink eye shadow that glows warmly like peach blossoms. Her long eyelashes, small nose, and cherry mouth are compelling enough to draw anyone to kiss her.

Without makeup, she holds a kind of beauty that's pure and fresh, free from gaudiness.

With makeup, she has the sex appeal of a delicate woman, charming and attractive enough to captivate a person's heart and soul.

Her white skin, delicate collarbones, soft chest, slender waist, willowy legs, enticing ankles, and supple toes, every part of her body is perfect. Aaron can't take his eyes off her.

Aaron waves his hand lightly, and everyone is immediately sensible enough to leave.

Seeing the change in Aaron's face, Katrina lowers her head a little nervously and clutches her skirt. "Do I look that ugly?"

After Katrina was dressed, she was pushed in front of Aaron at once. She doesn't even know what her makeup or hairstyle looks like. Either way, as a woman, she doesn't want to look bad after dressing up.

But Aaron seems to have an indifferent face. Does the way she looks upset him so much?

Aaron walks up to Katrina, step by step. He suddenly wraps his arms around her slender waist, bows his head, and kisses her. Crazy and unbridled, he's eager for a taste.

Held in his arms, Katrina can feel his madness. The heat of his skin is instantly noticeable.

Katrina instantly panics. Her pretty face turns red.

"Well... Aaron, let me go."

Despite the many stylists waiting outside, he's kissing her madly regardless of anything.

He's been going too far lately!

It's as if she were his possession, and he can hold her and kiss her as he likes.

Finally releasing Katrina, Aaron whispers, "Not ugly. You're beautiful."

Her beauty gives him the impulse to take her. But although his body yearns for her, he won't do that.

In a few hours, she will accompany him to the dinner party.

He's afraid that his impulse would render her too weak to get out of bed.

Aaron's voice is low and alluring. As it rings in her ears, she can feel his hot breath between her skin.

Katrina's flushed face turns darker, burning to the back of her ears.

"Come in!" Aaron suddenly shouts.

The stylist at the door comes in at once. "Mr. Wilson, are you satisfied with the lady's look?"

Yes, of course, he is.

She currently looks like an extraordinarily beautiful gift. He wants to tear off the package and love her dearly.

But Because Katrina is so beautiful, he's worried.

With her enticing legs exposed, he's reluctant to let other men see them.

There will be a lot of men at the party. How could he have the heart to take his woman and let others see such a beautiful sight?

Aaron's lips lift. "Change her dress. I want a long one."

"But Mr. Wilson, Miss Miller's legs are very beautiful, and the long dress will hide her assets." The stylist explains to Aaron from a professional standpoint.

Aaron's voice is unmistakably firm. "Change it."

Now that Aaron has repeated himself, the stylist doesn't dare retort and has to agree.

Katrina changes into a dress that covers her ankles.

Aaron is pleased with Katrina's new look and makes sure she isn't showing too much skin.

Only Aaron is allowed to see his woman's most beautiful side.