Chapter 56: His Companion

That evening, Aaron wraps his arm around Katrina's slender waist as they arrive at a brightly lit lavish dinner.

The guests invited to the dinner party are either rich or powerful. Many talented young men and pretty women are walking around the banquet dressed to the nines.

The whole banquet is full of excitement and extravagance.

As soon as Aaron enters, all eyes turn to him.

Many of them come to Aaron with their wine glasses to greet him. "Mr. Wilson, I've been looking up to you for a long time."

Over the years, Aaron has been a champion in the business world and has made remarkable achievements. Additionally, Aaron was born in a prestigious family with a prominent family background. Everyone present respects him.

The men want to get along with him, while the women want to have a relationship with him.

But to everyone's surprise, Aaron isn't alone as he usually is. He suddenly has a woman with him.

And Aaron is holding her back gracefully!

For Aaron to take a woman to such an event so openly, it means that they are close. They must have a special relationship.

This is the first time for Aaron to take a woman to a dinner party. As a result, everyone's eyes naturally fall on Katrina.

To the men, Katrina looks unfamiliar to them. Although they've never seen her at a celebrity dinner party before, she's pretty and has a beautiful figure.

In the eyes of the women, Katrina has become the number one public enemy.

They all know nearly every top woman in Hadley. But Katrina isn't the daughter of any famous family, indicating that she must've been born to a low-income family.

A poor girl with no background wants to become a phoenix and rise up by seducing Aaron. All the women who like Aaron are displeased.

It's particularly humiliating for them.

Among them, the most dissatisfied one is the mayor's daughter Victoria Roberts.

Victoria assumed that a wonderful woman would be attending with Aaron tonight, but she turns out to be a nameless woman that no one in the circle knows.

Studying her quiet demeanor as she stands beside Aaron, Victoria finds nothing on her face but a smile. She's just an empty vase.

Victoria takes her date by the arm and walks quickly in Aaron's direction.

Victoria's partner is Benjamin Smith, the son of the head of the Smith Real Estate company and Victoria's best friend since they were kids.

After he broke up with his young model girlfriend shortly earlier, Victoria asked him to come to the party with him.

With a sweet smile on her face, Victoria greets, "Hi, Aaron."

Aaron is holding a glass of champagne in his hand. "Miss Roberts," he says politely.

"Aaron, I'd like to introduce you to my companion today. This is my best friend and heir of the Smith family."

"Benjamin Smith, nice to meet you."

"I heard about you many times from my father. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson."

Victoria and Aaron exchange pleasantries when her eyes suddenly focus on Katrina. She's especially jealous of seeing Aaron holding Katrina by the waist. With a sweet smile on her pretty face, she asks, "Aaron, who's this?"

Victoria doesn't recognize Katrina.

Although she seems vaguely familiar, she doesn't know where she's seen her.

They've met at Aaron's villa before. But because Katrina wasn't wearing makeup and wore loose casual clothes, she looked less stunning when they first met.

Who would've thought that from the plain girl, she would transform into a complete person?

"Hello, Miss Roberts. I'm Katrina Miller."

Katrina Miller?

In the whole city of Hadley, there isn't a famous family named Miller. This provides more proof of her nameless identity.

Victoria smiles from the corner of her lip. "Hi, Katrina."

Growing up in this environment, Victoria has learned the concept of getting matched for marriage since childhood.

People in this circle are the richest and most powerful, while simultaneously the most sensible and materialistic.

She's seen many marriages happen for the benefit of both families. A lot of rich second-generation men take many beautiful girlfriends that they never marry. They know what the right marriage will bring them. They aren't stupid enough to marry a wallflower without a background.

Like Benjamin for instance, he's had countless girlfriends that range from campus belles, supermodels, online celebrities, to nameless stars. They're all beautiful, but for him, these women are just like fashionable clothes.

Victoria believes that Katrina is Aaron's flavor of the month.

Although Victoria doesn't Katrina seriously, the sight of her intimacy with Aaron is like a thorn in her heart. It makes her extremely uncomfortable.

When Aaron walks away with his arm around Katrina, Victoria's eyes are boring holes at Katrina's back.

Seeing his date in such a state, Benjamin waves the glass of red wine in his hand and puts on a charming smile on his handsome face. "Why don't you work hard and get Aaron so that I can get his little girlfriend?"

At Benjamin's words, Victoria turns around to glare at him. "What, you have a crush on her as well? What on earth is so good about her?"

Benjamin spreads out his hands. "Everyone likes pretty girls, not to mention one who looks so cute and sensible."

All his ex-girlfriends were pretty, but nine out of ten of them had plastic surgery.

Katrina's beauty is fresh and natural, emitting a sense of comfort. She's standing by Aaron's side, without arrogance or indulgence, and with a shallow smile on her face.

Isn't every man's dream to have a beautiful, gentle, and docile woman?

No man wants a tough, willful, and melodramatic woman who looks like a monster all day long.

Feeling Victoria's sharp gaze on him, Benjamin suddenly realizes that they're rivals in love, and it's inappropriate for him to keep praising the beauty of the woman that Victoria clearly loathes in front of her.

Benjamin pretended to cough, hurriedly saying, "Victoria, you're also beautiful. You're the goddess in my heart! We're just too familiar with each other. Even if I'd like to have you, I wouldn't dare to!"

Victoria gives him a sharp look. "Who would want you?"