Chapter 57: His Possessive Reaction

After spending a whole night accompanying Aaron, Katrina's feet are sore.

Her high heels are beautiful, sleek, and tall, like Cinderella's crystal shoes. But because of the nature of her job, Katrina doesn't usually wear high heels.

If it wasn't for Aaron's sake and image, Katrina would've found a corner to hide away and take a break. But now, there are blisters on her feet, and she can hardly walk steadily.

Katrina holds Aaron's arm tightly, with nearly half her body weight leaning against him as she ostensibly tries to maintain calm and graceful.

Aaron senses that something is wrong with Katrina. He looks down at her to find a pained expression on her face.

Frowning, he can't bear torturing her like this. He pulls her aside to rest. "Here's some dessert and fruit. Help yourself. I'll come back when I'm done."

Katrina feels relieved to hear Aaron's words and prepares to go away quickly. "Alright, I will."

She lets go of his arm and moves to sit down in the lounge area when Aaron suddenly grabs her hand.

Katrina looks back at him in disbelief. "What's wrong?"

Aaron's black eyes are fixed on her. "Don't talk to other men! Do you understand?"

He doesn't want her to have an affair with another man, even if he couldn't keep his eyes on her at all times.

Katrina's mouth twitches, and she replies casually, "I see."

His possessiveness is a real menace.

Katrina chooses an empty corner to sit in, idly eating dessert with a bored expression on her face and looking like he has nothing better to do.

Busy with his own affairs, Aaron disappears into the crowd.

"Hello, my lady!"

Just then, the sound of a sudden voice startles Katrina.

Katrina coughs, the half-eaten dessert getting stuck in her throat. She turns her red face slowly.

"Did I frighten you? I'm really sorry." The person hands her a glass of red wine.

"Thank you." Katrina accepts it, takes a quick drink, and takes a deep breath.

This time, she can clearly see the person sitting next to her.

It's Victoria's companion, Benjamin.

Wasn't he with Victoria? Why did he come to her?

Benjamin seems very interested in her. He sits next to her and flashes her with a smile. "Are you Aaron's girlfriend?"

Thinking of Aaron's warning, Katrina doesn't want to make trouble for herself. But it doesn't seem appropriate for her to leave suddenly.

Katrina shakes her head perfunctorily.

But instead of leaving, Benjamin continues to ask, "Aaron's lover?"

Hearing the word "lover" embarrasses Katrina instantly as she gapes at the man.

Benjamin smiles apologetically. "Sorry, I've drunk too much. Please forget it."

Earlier, Katrina felt Victoria's hostility towards her. And Benjamin is her partner. What's his purpose for coming to her and talking to her?

Katrina becomes wary of Benjamin.

Benjamin is a real playboy.

It's hard to get Katrina alone. He's not going to let go of this opportunity to chat her up.

"Your accent doesn't seem to be local, where are you from?"

Katrina hates it when someone keeps asking her questions, even if he's handsome. Since she met Aaron, she has become immune to all kinds of good-looking people.

Besides, no matter how handsome Benjamin is, he isn't more handsome than Aaron.

Katrina doesn't want to be annoyed by him any longer, so she stands up from her seat. "Sorry I have to leave now."

Benjamin is shocked. He touches his nose in frustration as he watches her retreating leaving in a hurry. This is the first time he's been rejected so mercilessly.

He knows she's Aaron's companion, and he's afraid to flirt with her even if he wants to. He just tried to chat her up without talking too much. Why did she run away?

Some so many ordinary women are lucky enough to attend this kind of party. They can't wait to make friends with famous people.

In case Aaron dumps Katrina later, it's convenient to find another wealthy man.

Does she plan to stay with Aaron forever? She's being too naïve. How could she keep an outstanding man like Aaron?

Walking past the crowd, Katrina goes out through the back door and enters the rear garden.

The scenery is unique, and the quiet is peaceful. It has a perfect view of the dark blue night sky.

Taking a deep breath, Katrina decides to stay here for a while.

Since no one will bother her here, Katrina takes off her heels and holds them in her hands. Walking barefoot on the slate pathway, she heads for the nearby swing.

Under the moonlight, her feet are white and lovely, like beautiful rosy pearls.

Katrina sits on the swing and looks up at the night sky, feeling unspeakably comfortable and in a good mood.

Nobody knows how long she stays outside.

Remembering that Aaron will get worried if he can't find her, Katrina gets off the swing and runs towards the door carrying her dress.

Sure enough, halfway through, she sees Aaron standing not far away with a dark face.

Startled by Aaron's terrible expression, Katrina stops walking. "Aaron?"

"Come here. What are you doing there?"

Since Aaron gave the order, Katrina has to keep walking.

But he doesn't look well.

As she approaches, Aaron grabs Katrina by the arm, wrapping her in an embrace and tapping her head. "What are you doing here! I asked you to stay there and wait for me."

Katrina doesn't notice that there's a trace of relief behind his gnashing teeth.

When Aaron went back to the lounge after dinner, he found no sign of her.

He almost thought that she had escaped alone while he was away.

Aaron asked the bathroom cleaner and the doorman, but they didn't see her go to the bathroom or leave the banquet.

When he came to the back garden, he unexpectedly saw her figure and let out a long sigh of relief.

He was glad to see that she was here.

If she had run away again, he would've caught her and punished her severely.

"It's boring inside. I just wanted to go out for a walk." Katrina says.

Anyway, this asshole is too violent and unpredictable.

What's wrong with her going out alone? Why is he incredibly angry?

It's a good thing she didn't tell him about Benjamin's conversation with her. Otherwise, Aaron would pour out all his anger on her.