Chapter 63: Shocking News

He is drowning with his desire towards Katrina and he can't control his emotion. Once Aaron starts, he can no longer stop. She's the only woman he loves most and his obsession. His body emerged hers and couldn't let her go no matter what happens in the future.

One hour…

Two hours…


After he is satisfied, Aaron kisses Katrina's lips and goes to the bathroom.

When Katrina wakes up the next day, it's late in the morning.

An intense sore and numb feeling throbs through her whole body as if her body isn't her own.

Katrina looks down at herself subconsciously, only to see traces of ambiguous marks on her white skin. It's not difficult to tell what she experienced last night.

"Wake up."

Just then, she hears a deep and pleasant voice. Katrina looks up and sees Aaron sitting on the couch next to her, reading a file. He looks so dapper and different from the beast that did this to her.

This jerk!

While she was unconscious yesterday, she took advantage of her.