Chapter 64: Protective Dog

Katrina finishes her breakfast under Aaron's watchful gaze as if her appetite is proportional to her size.

He really wants to fatten her up.

After the meal, Katrina quickly sneaks out.

As soon as Katrina pulls open the door and goes downstairs, a hairy figure puts down the rice bowl and runs towards her at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

"Woof!" it barks loudly.

The big and strong dog suddenly rushes over, scaring Katrina and almost overturning her.

Clutching her thumping little heart, Katrina watches the big black dog swirling at her feet and rubbing her legs.

It seems he's very clingy towards her today.

While Katrina is at a loss, Randy comes over with a faint smile on his face. "Miss Miller, when Mr. Wilson brought you back yesterday, you were unconscious, and Beta was scared. He stayed outside the room last night in fear of an accident happening. He's worried about you."

Randy's words move Katrina.