Chapter 134: Excuse Is Too Perfunctory

After receiving the message from Katrina, Marcellus goes crazy with worry. He wants to call Katrina to ask her how she is, but the phone has been switched off.

Marcellus doesn't even go to work. He drives straight to the Jameson Hotel to find Katrina.

As soon as he gets out of the car, Marcellus hurries inside.


Marcellus goes to the room number Katrina gave him and knocks on the door with a worried look on the face.

But the room is quiet. No one came to answer the door for him.

How much wine did Katrina drink? Did she pass out?

Marcellus becomes even more anxious at the thought. He takes a step back before kicking the door hard. With a bang, the door swings open.

Ignoring his sore leg, Marcellus rushes inside.

Sophie has been hiding in the corner of the hall when Marcellus arrived. She sneaked in to personally see the wonderful scene of Marcellus catching Katrina's betrayal in bed.