Chapter 135: Successfully Exposing Her

Afraid that her plans will be exposed to Marcellus, Sophie can't wait to leave. But unexpectedly, Katrina holds her back.

Sophie instantly gets angry. "Katrina! Let me go! What right do you have to grab me like this?"

Meanwhile, Marcellus realizes something is wrong after he gets a moment to calm down.

Katrina has never been drunk alone on her own. Even if she gets drunk, the first person she would contact is her best friend, Farrah, not him. After all, men and women act differently, especially when alcohol is involved.

And why was Sophie eavesdropping at the door? It seems she knows about Katrina's supposed drunken state.

Everything reveals that Sophie's presence is definitely not a coincidence.

Katrina's words imply that she didn't send him the message. It's quite possible that Sophie took Katrina's phone and sent the message on her behalf.

What is her purpose for doing this? Is she planning secretly to hurt Katrina?