Chapter 177: Only I Can Be Your Man

Aaron throws the cigarette butt to the ground and stamps it out furiously before walking straight to the apartment building.

The dim yellow light shines on his flawless face, flickering as he walks in. His handsome face looks sullen and dangerous enough to deter people away. The temperature in the airdrops significantly, giving off a frightening atmosphere.

Aaron follows Katrina up the stairs with a clouded look in his eyes.

Katrina reaches her door.

Alone and out of Marcellus's sight, she can finally let down all pretenses of being strong. Because of the pain, her brows twist slightly, and she bites her lips. She has a difficult time taking out the key from her bag and inserting it into the keyhole to open the door.

Now that she's home, all she wants to do is lie down in her bed and curl into a ball.