Chapter 178: His Punishment

Aaron is strong. Compared to him, Katrina is small and soft like a little kitten, incapable of resistance.

"Aaron! What the hell are you doing! Let me go! Let me go! Are You crazy?" She screamed at him.

"Yes, I am crazy it's because of you,"

Katrina struggles furiously, desperately trying to get out of his clutches, but her efforts are in vain. Her arm is being grabbed painfully, and she can feel the anger boiling under his cold exterior. She shivers at the frightening thought.

Aaron easily drags Katrina into the room, tossing her onto the soft bed.

The tight grasp on her arm finally disappears. Katrina kneads her sore wrist. Her pale white skin already has a vivid red mark where Aaron grabbed her.

Without giving her time to adjust, Aaron directly pounces onto her. As his tall figure looms over her, Katrina feels a sense of oppression while she lies on the bed.

Aaron's face looks terrible. He is full of jealousy and anger, and Katrina knows he won't let her go this time.