Chapter 214: You Can’t Marry Me

Katrina becomes anxious. She turns around and snaps, "Why not? Aaron, you should find someone else. Nothing can happen between us, and you can't marry me! Your family will never accept me! Stop wasting your time on me!"

Even if Katrina wants to believe that Aaron keeps badgering her because he loves her, also if she believes that he doesn't want to hurt her…

From her experience with Marcellus, she now knows that people who belong in different classes are not meant to be. It's difficult for a poor orphan to be with someone from the upper class.

Katrina knows herself well, and she doesn't want to face this situation again. She doesn't want to be abandoned like a toy after investing herself in a relationship.

Besides, she doesn't need to have a rich or capable boyfriend. He may be just an ordinary employee, with a steady monthly salary. Even if he didn't give her a luxurious life, as long as he treats her well, as long as they love each other, it would be enough.