Chapter 215: Marcellus Call Her

It's been two weeks since Katrina broke up with Marcellus.

Katrina is sitting at her desk and writing a report when her partner Colin suddenly asks, "Katrina, why haven't you visited Marcellus recently?"

The question makes Katrina falter, and her hands stop moving.

They haven't been in touch with the breakup. She had deleted Marcellus's contact information in an attempt to get rid of him.

After two weeks, Marcellus must have gotten discharged already.

Back when she was with Marcellus, they used to talk on the phone every day. But now, it's as if he doesn't exist anymore. Her colleagues would definitely notice that something is different. No wonder her partner is curious. They used to see Katrina and Marcellus being together.

Noticing Katrina stiffens, Colin realizes that he was tactless.

Katrina and Marcellus might have fought. No wonder she looks so sad and not in the mood recently.