Chapter 240: I Will Never Leave You

Katrina turns her back to Aaron and decidedly stays as far away from him as possible.

Although they are laying in the same bed, Aaron suddenly feels miles apart from Katrina. It feels as if any effort to touch her would be in vain.

When Aaron hears her muffled voice say in a mocking tone, "All toys end up abandoned," he feels a sharp pain in his heart.

Katrina is being ridiculous and talking nonsense. No wonder her attitude suddenly changed. No wonder she suddenly kicked him out of bed, huddling pitifully at the edge of the bed. It turns out that she completely misunderstood him.

Having his sincerity twisted horribly makes Aaron feel frustrated and helpless. He reaches out and pulls Katrina back by the waist, holding her in his arms and hugging her tightly.

"Who the fuck is going to abandon you? I will never leave you!"