Chapter 241: I Will Never Leave You

As soon as Aaron comes out of the bathroom, Katrina tosses a blanket at him. "Stay on your side! Don't come near me during the night!"

Taken aback, Aaron is speechless to see Katrina huddled safely in her own blanket and glaring daggers at him.

Katrina must've requested an extra blanket from the front desk, he thought, remembering the faint sounds of the door opening while he was in the bathroom. He narrows his eyes in displeasure.

Earlier, he could embrace Katrina while they slept together. The thought that he won't be able to feel her body against his anymore frustrates him.

Aaron shoots Katrina a dissatisfied look. "Maybe you'd like to put a glass of water between us as well," he says.

"Great idea!" she agrees.

His face turns dimmer as he picks up his blanket and walks over to the bed. "Don't be ridiculous, I won't come near you," he scoffs.