Chapter 281: I Never Thought She Hates Me So Much

Katrina is shocked to hear Claire's blunt words. She hasn't done anything inappropriate, but Claire wants to drive her away the moment she arrives. "I never thought she hates me so much. Although I did nothing wrong with her, I kept quiet. Why is she so angry with me?"

At that moment, Katrina feels an indescribable sense of humiliation.

Back stiff, she bites her lips and says slowly, "Mrs. Brook, I don't want to cause any trouble. Today is Marcellus special day, and I didn't come here to create a scene nor make you angry,"

Katrina doesn't want to spoil the wedding. If Aaron hadn't forced her to come, she wouldn't even be here. Hearing the accusatory tone in Claire's words is hurtful.

Claire ignores Katrina's feelings and crosses her arms with a stern look. "I don't care what you think. If you know your place, you'll leave immediately. You shouldn't have come at all. Why did you come here anyway?" she says, her voice oozing with disdain.