Chapter 282: It’s Not My Fault

The atmosphere immediately grows tense.

Noticing the angry glare on Aaron's face, Katrina quickly tugs his hand to draw his attention. "Aaron, I'm fine. Mrs. Brook just came to say hello. I skipped breakfast this morning, so I just feel a little lightheaded."

Claire blinks in surprise at the unexpected help from Katrina. She breathes a sigh of relief and smiles at Aaron. "Yes, I just came over to say hello. I still value her as Marcellus's ex-girlfriend."

Despite knowing that Katrina is lying, he decides to let it go for now in favor of taking care of Katrina. He flags a waiter, who approaches with the plate of desserts he prepared beforehand. Handing it to Katrina, he says in a gentle voice, "I've got something for you. Have something before dinner."

While seeing the plate of desserts, Katrina's face lights up with a smile. "Thank you, Aaron!"

"Mr. Wilson, help yourselves. I'll go attend to the other guests," Claire says, hurrying to leave.