Chapter 283: Has She Begun To Appreciate My Effort?

Katrina hears the footsteps outside fade away. When she doesn't hear any further sound, she turns on the tap and washes her hands.

"No matter how much I care about Marcellus, I'll always be an unscrupulous, profit-seeking woman in Mrs. Brook's eyes," she thinks sadly. "How could she think so lowly of me? Just because I'm a poor orphan. Just because I don't have a real family?"

Katrina leaves the bathroom with a heavy heart. Disappointed, she returned back to Aaron's side. She didn't want to participate at Marcellus's wedding, but she can't do anything because Aaron brought him here.

After the wedding banquet, Katrina and Aaron make their way back home.

Katrina is physically and emotionally exhausted. After trying to find a comfortable position against the car window, she finally holds Aaron's arm and leans against his shoulder.

Unconsciously, she becomes more and more comfortable with him.