Chapter 284: Dealing The Thugs

Katrina is dressed in an exquisite gown and fancy stilettos. Combined with the light makeup on her face, she looks delicate and beautiful.

But seeing the thugs bully Patton and start to harass her, she completely forgets that she had just come from a wedding and that her attire isn't suitable for fighting. She rushes fearlessly towards the troublemakers without hesitation.

Aaron is following behind Katrina, ready to help her look for Patton's whereabouts. All of a sudden, he hears a fierce shout and a flurry of movement. Before he can run over to help, he sees Katrina making a beeline for a gang. Her appearance looks so fierce.

He frowns at the sight of Katrina, running on the pavement on her high heels. "This silly woman is going to fall down and hurt herself! I'm right behind her, why can't she let me solve her problems for her? Why does she need to risk herself?"