Chapter 384: It’s Time For Us To Break-up

Farrah looked incredulous.

She keeps shaking her head and cries out, "No! Katrina, you can't be so cruel to me! You're my best friend. You can't do that to me!"

The moment the truth is revealed, she knows that she is doomed to face this situation.

She innocently thought Katrina would save her due to their long friendship and pleads for her.

At least she wouldn't make her embarrassed too much.

Unexpectedly, Katrina is also so indifferent to her.

At that moment, what she can feel is only deep despair.

Katrina's heart seems to be grabbed by something when she hears Farrah's crying, but she says in a cold voice, "Farrah! You are the real crude one! Not me!"

She always treats Farrah as her best friend. Whenever she has anything good, she always thinks of her for the first time. Aaron has even been jealous of her concern for Farrah.

Even when Farrah invited her for coffee and schemed to push her down from the top floor...

She never doubted her and never blamed her.