Chapter 385: It’s All His Fault

Farrah looks around hopelessly at the people in the ward who once was closest to her but are now sneering at her.

Her dearest grandfather...

Her best friend...

Her favorite boyfriend...

Once, they were the whole of her life.

But now...

They all break off with her.

At that moment, Farrah has a sense of loneliness and helplessness abandoned by the whole world.

She can't reconcile to that!

She can't!

How can this happen?

How can this happen!

She keeps questioning herself in her mind, but the answer is unsolvable.

By this time, Farrah seems to become a little out of control and crazy.

Suddenly she runs towards Katrina, who's lying in bed.

Just when Aaron thinks she's going to run over and hurt Katrina, he turns around to protect Katrina in his arms...

Farrah goes directly to the baby in the cot next to them.

At that moment, when Katrina realizes that her baby is in danger, her heart almost jumps out of her body, and she can't help screaming, "My baby!"