Chapter 496: I Can’t Take This

Seeing Katrina's look, Amy understands that a man must have hurt Katrina, so she rejects the ring very much.

Amy feels that instead of throwing the ring into the river, she may as well accept it...

Amy thankfully accepts, "Okay, okay, I'll take it!"

Seeing Amy accept the diamond ring, Katrina feels reassured.

From the surroundings, Katrina knows clearly that the young couple is not very well off.

Anyway, this diamond ring can help them through a difficult time in their lives.

In return, Amy saved her life.

In this way, it is a reward for Amy's saving her life.

Amy helps Katrina cover the quilt and says, "Miss, you can sleep for a while. If your family comes, I'll wake you up."

Katrina nods obediently, "Okay. Sorry to bother you."

Katrina closes her eyes and soon falls asleep.

Then Amy goes outside and begins to wash clothes and do housework.

About an hour later, Eric and Joseph arrive at the Songwo Village.

This village is very small. The villagers all live by fishing.