Chapter One

I stumble out of Black Cat and out onto the street. I'm pretty sure Su Min booked me a ride, but at the moment, I'm impatient. My vision goes blurry and I blink once again, while my stomach protests from all the toxins I've fed it tonight.

"Onward it is." My declaration comes out as a slur, as I raise my arm and point in the direction I wish to go. I push forward, legs tangling over each other as I will myself to walk straight. The moon is full in the sky and the streets are bustling with people in Seul. "Get your drunk ass home!" A person yells out to me as I bump into his shoulder nearly tumbling to the floor, but regaining my footing at the last second.

"I'm sorry." I bow respectfully at his leaving figure.

The blues of the city lights and illuminating street lamps are the only source of guidance as I navigate the bustling streets. Eventually, I end up at a park, just as bile rises up to my throat. I cover my mouth instinctively while running towards the bench in my sites. I fumble over it and empty my bowels into the grass. It smells like whisky and Doritos. The stench makes me scrunch my nose.

"I think he's drunk." Someone observes from close by.

"Indeed." Another one seems to confirm.

A groan escapes my mouth as I struggle to sit upright. It takes me a second for me to gain my senses, but I eventually notice two grown men standing above me. One is skinny, sports a mohawk, and wears track pants and a matching hoody. My gaze roams to other guy who is more on the big side. He wears an ACDC t-shirt, ripped jeans, and the worst bowl cut I have ever laid eyes on.

"What do you want?"

"We just want to help."

The dark grins plastering their face says otherwise.

"Get lost."

"Come on-" They approach either side of me quickly and grab hold of my arms. "Don't be like that to your saviours." Their grips tighten when I squirm. I'm tugged off my feet and dragged towards the part of the park covered in darkness. Their protection and my worst nightmare apparently. Should have just taken the damn cab, I cursed myself mentally. Or taken judo lessons like my sister.

"I'm sure he said to leave him alone." A silhouette appears in front of them, one hand planted on a hip and face half-hidden. Everything seems to go silent as we all stare at each other.

"What's this?" Mohawk laughs. "It's just a girl."

"Will you let him go?" She continues, black eyes piercing. "Or shall I make you let him go?" The second part is said slowly deliberately.

I feel the grips on my arms loosen before it tightens again. "Move it, lady," Chubs warns, "or you'll get hurt." He makes a dash for her and I know this is my chance to break free, but I'm hypnotized to the spot.

One side of her mouth pulls up before she dodges his hand which tries to grab for her. She swerves on the balls of her feet and then swings a hook at him. His head swings to the side with some force, but he shakes off the punch and comes at her again. Again, she dodges his attack and crashes her heal down on his toes. He screams out in agony and then she kneels him straight in the groin. I cringe at the scene like they are my own as he falls to the floor clutching them delicately.

"Damn you." Mohawk has now left my side and goes to punch her with no luck. She dodges it, long hair whipping him in the face. He turns back around to face her and slanted eyes widen in shock at the fist that clashes with his face. The man falls to the grass unconscious. These men never stood a chance.

Where has this woman been all my life?

4 hours earlier

I kneel and lay the flowers beside her resting place. Daises were always her favourite and the only ones I ever brought. My fingers caress the photo stuck to the glass case. Over the dark brown hair and sharp nose that is very similar to mine. My mother wears a yellow sundress and straw hat, while she laughs in the sand. It was the happiest I had seen her in a long time and I couldn't resist secretly snapping a picture of her.

"I hope up there is much better than it ever was down here," I whisper. A hand lays on my shoulder and gently squeezes.

"I know it's better up there," my sister tells me. I look to the photo once more before rising to my feet. My phone pings from in my pocket and I pull it out. I want you home now the text reads.

"Is that dad?" Suzy asks, eyes filled with concern. I nod stiffly. I stretch the phone in her direction and she reads it too. "So do you think he froze your credit cards again?"

"It wouldn't be the first time."

I don't bother answering as we make our way out of the building. "Go," she halts outside the building. "I'll wire you money. So go hang out with your friends."

I look between her and my car parked not far away. We were supposed to go home together. "What about you?"

My sister gives me a look of amusement. "You're not the only one with friends. I'll get one of them to pick me up."

I chuckle. "Point taken. I'm off then."

"Go already." She shoves my shoulder playfully for good measure.


2 hours earlier

"Someone's having daddy issues again," Hero comments over the blaring music. Fantastic Baby by Big Bang is playing and I find some relief in knowing that I won't have to demand the DJ be replaced this time around. At the mention of my father, I grimace. "Make that two drinks," I say before lifting my glass for the second time that night.

Hero and Su Min chuckle at my obvious annoyance. They join in, along with the two women glued to their sides. "I'm hoping you know that it's your turn to put it on the tab," Su Min reminds.

"Yeah, Yeah," I wave him off. "I got this." To further my point, I call over a waiter. He runs over immediately when we make eye contact knowing full well he could lose his job if I'm unsatisfied in the latest with his service. He smooths out his tux shirt when he stops directly in front of our booth. We all eye each other at the observation and share a smirk.

"Relax." Hero says in a thick Japanese accent. "We ain't going to eat you."

"Well..." I add, that's still undecided." The boy seems to pale the more we play with him. The sight excites me. "Tell me what's your most expensive drink you offer?"

"We have the Domaine De La Romanee, sir." I nod. He takes that as confirmation before scurrying away.

Belonging to one of the richest conglomerates in Korea, a neverending supply of money is just one of the many perks that come with the family name. If your credit cards are frozen by your father, you can always count on the younger sister to provide. The same could be said about Hero Kuzamaki and Su Min Adante.

Hero's father owns all the major shipping companies around the world. He's never mentioned it and I've never asked, but I'm quite sure his father has dealt with the mafia at one point. As for Su Min, he is the biggest playboy you'll meet. Naturally, it's genetic. His father is known for having many scandals with the actresses from the drama productions he produces.

There are even times directors have been blacklisted by him and they can no longer find anyone willing to support their movies. I can see some of that ruthlessness in Su Min. It only tended to come out on the rarest of occasions and was completely opposite to the charming physique he always radiated. A different waiter brought the champagne I ordered and we wasted no time opening the bottle and filling our glasses.

"To a night of forgetting." I raised my glass in the air and both Su Min and Hero tapped their glasses against mine with a clink.

"To a night of forgetting."

Then we downed it and many more after.